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tw / eating disorder

things were rough for the first week after their run in with wooyoung's ex. the boy struggled to do anything or be anywhere alone, struggled with his eating habits, and wet the bed a few times. he felt like things were hopeless, like there was no point in even trying to get better anymore.

that week, his therapy session was the worst yet, the boy screaming that he didn't want to go in, afraid to be alone. san and yeosang didn't know what to do, yeosang close to tears in the parking lot as they tried to get wooyoung inside. san ended up leaving the two in the car to go inside, greeting the boy's therapist and explaining the situation to her. she followed him out to the car, wooyoung tensing and begging san not to make him go, then his therapist kindly invited him to bring the two boys inside with him, reminding him that she wanted him comfortable. it took another fifteen minutes for him to be coaxed inside, clinging to san as if his life depended on it.

and now, wooyoung was expected to go home for a week. the boy was absolutely terrified to be apart from san for that long, but he didn't know how to tell his mother that he physically couldn't go if it meant being without san. so two hours before he left, he made a decision to call his mother and do his best to explain.

"hi wooyoung! i'm excited to see you later today, honey!"

"h-hi mom... i can't wait to see you either... um... t-there's kind of a problem though."

"what's that?"

"m-mom... i've been having a really hard week a-and being alone has been so difficult for me... i-i haven't been staying in my apartment or anything because i've been so terrified that he will find me again."

"oh my... honey, i'm so sorry..."

"b-but i don't want to let you down... i-i really want to visit. i-i just... c-can i bring san?"

"san? who's that?"

"m-my boyfriend... w-we haven't been together for too long, but he's been such a source of comfort for me since we first met a-and—"

"wooyoung... of course he can come. what matters to me is that you're comfortable, and if he helps to make you feel that way, he's more than welcome at our house."


"of course. tell san i can't wait to meet him, okay?"

"o-okay... i-i'll see you later mom."

"see you later, honey. i love you."

"i-i love you too."

the two hung up and wooyoung sighed in relief, heading back to san's bedroom and hugging the older's middle as he laid down.

"hi, baby... sleep well?" san asked.

"yeah... i did."

"good... excited to go to your parents' place today?"

"um... about that..."

"what's up?" san muttered, now looking wooyoung in the eye.

"i-i was trying not to say anything about it, b-because i wanted to be excited, b-but i was terrified. having to be alone for that long? i-i didn't think i could do it."

"so... are you not going?"

"i-i called my mom... i-i told her i've been having a really hard week and can't really be alone... a-and i asked her if you could come with me. she said yes, b-but it's really up to you."

"i can't come for the full week, woo... i have work."

"i-i know... i-i just... i was just hoping—" wooyoung choked out.

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