- seventy seven -

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the long weekend was only a couple days away now, and wooyoung had finally made his decision. he was currently laying in bed, cuddling with san with bada at their feet. things were peaceful, but when he realized he still had to tell san, he grew stressed.

as his stress became more evident, bada got up from where he laid and padded over towards wooyoung's head, then nudging the boy a couple of times. san recognized bada's behavior quickly, then cupping wooyoung's cheek.

"my love... bada's alerting us again... that's the second time since we got home, are you sure you're okay?"

"i-i'm okay... just nervous."

"nervous? what for?"

"i-i think i've decided..."

"oh... angel, you don't have to be nervous to tell me what you've decided. no matter what, i support and understand it."

"i-i think... i-i think i want to try, sannie... but i-i... i'm scared."

"my love, what's scaring you?" san spoke gently, kissing wooyoung's forehead.

"a lot of things..."

"talk to me..."

wooyoung sighed, curling closer to san and hiding his face in the older's neck.

"i want your parents to like me, first of all... i-i'm really scared that they won't. that's probably the thing i'm most scared for...

"i-i'm also scared that i'll have a panic attack in front of them. a-and that it'll be a bad one. how am i supposed to explain that to your parents? like, oh sorry, your son is dating someone who's still struggling horribly from his last relationship. how embarrassing is that?"


"a-and i-i don't know if i can go that long without bada either... i-i know i haven't asked that yet b-but i remember you have a cat back at your parents' house. i-i don't know if they'd want bada there."

wooyoung was crying now, his speech quickening as his anxiety grew. bada was nudging at the boy repeatedly, sensing the boy's distress and trying to comfort him.

san sat the two up and pulled wooyoung closer, so that the boy was in his lap. he held him protectively and kissed the boy's cheek and temple repeatedly, hoping to help the boy begin to relax.

ten minutes later, wooyoung sat whimpering in san's arms, his body shaking.

"i've got you..." san whispered. "i'm here..."

"i-i'm sorry..." wooyoung muttered.

"don't be... your worries are completely valid, love."


"shh... it's alright. we can talk about this later if you need, i just want to make sure you're okay first."

wooyoung was quiet, nodding a bit and cuddling into san's embrace. it took fifteen minutes before san felt like he could leave wooyoung alone, the boy encouraging him to cuddle with bada while he went to grab some water for the younger.

"i'm sorry for worrying you, baby," wooyoung was whispering to bada when san returned.

san sat back on the bed and smiled small, holding out wooyoung's water.

"thank you sannie..."

"of course, woo."

the boys stayed quiet for a while before san spoke softly again, his arm around wooyoung's waist.

"woo... i know you're scared about my parents liking you, but i promise, you have nothing to worry about. especially my mom, she's going to love you. and if things are a little awkward, so what? you still did your best and i know they'll appreciate you even coming in the first place."

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