- fifty eight -

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moving day had finally come, and the three roommates had all of their friends helping out. they were grateful for all the help, especially since they knew how difficult things would be initially for wooyoung, getting all of the packed items out of his room.

wooyoung woke up early, seonghwa and yeosang still asleep on either side of him. he sat up carefully, hoping not to wake the others, and reached for his phone. when he saw the time, he got up and headed into yeosang's room, texting san as he sat on the boy's bed.

a few minutes later, san called wooyoung, causing a soft blush across the younger's cheeks.

"good morning, woo."

"morning, sannie..."

"excited for today?"

"yeah... and nervous."

"nervous? what for?"

"i-i haven't slept alone in months."

"ohhh... i see. well, i'll always be a call away if you need me, my love. and now i'm only a few minutes away, so if you end up needing me to come over, it'll be much easier."

wooyoung hummed slightly as he nodded, listening to san's words carefully.

"are sangie and hwa still asleep?"

"mhmm... we all slept in the living room together last night. it was kind of a full circle moment for us... we did the same thing the night we moved into this apartment."

"that's really cute, woo. are you guys doing the same in the new apartment?"

"probably... we haven't decided yet."

"well that might be helpful for you, baby. you'll feel more at home in the place before you have to sleep alone."

"mm... you're right."

"i got something for you that might help you sleep a bit too... i'll give it to you once we've moved everything over to the new place."

"w-what? sannie... you didn't have to."

san shrugged, although wooyoung couldn't see him.

"i felt like it."

wooyoung hummed softly, a small grin on his face. he loved how it felt to be san's, to be so loved and cherished. sure, he still wasn't used to the feeling, but he loved it anyway.

"youngie, are you in here?" yeosang mumbled tiredly, opening the door slightly.

"yeah, i'm here, sangie," wooyoung replied, san chuckling over the phone a bit.

"i see sangie's awake."


yeosang walked into the room and laid on his bed, cuddling into wooyoung's lap.

"he's like a cat," wooyoung giggled.

"youngie... cuddle with me, i'm tired."

"sounds a bit more vocal than any cat i know," san laughed softly. "i'll see you in a bit, okay?"

"see you soon, sannie."

"i love you~"

"i love you too~"

the two boys hung up and wooyoung brushed through yeosang's hair a couple of times, smiling small.

"cuddle," yeosang mumbled.

"alright, alright... is hwa up yet?" wooyoung asked as he laid down.

"barely. he'll be up soon though, joongie texted asking if we wanted breakfast."

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