- forty two -

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tw / mentions & descriptions of abuse

san, wooyoung, yeosang and jongho headed over to one of their favorite cafes once wooyoung was showered and ready, the boy clinging to san as much as he could. yeosang had also texted seonghwa, wanting for him to meet them at the cafe when he could.

"wooyoungie, what would you like? i'll go order," yeosang offered.

"um... m-my usual? please?"

"of course, baby."

san smiled small and pressed a kiss to wooyoung's forehead, the younger instinctively cuddling closer to him.

"i'm proud of you, woo. i know you were a bit worried about going out of the house today."

wooyoung nodded, trying to crack a smile.

"you're doing really well, y'know."

"t-thank you..."

san gently pulled his hand away from wooyoung's, the boy's face dropping immediately. noticing this, san was quick to make his next move and put his arm around wooyoung's shoulders instead.

"i thought you would be comfier like this... i'm sorry if i scared you, love."

"n-no, i-it's okay. you didn't mean to..."

san pressed a soft kiss to wooyoung's temple, the latter letting out a heavy sigh.

"if you want to talk about it, let me know, okay?"

wooyoung nodded, closing his eyes and trying to relax. yeosang and jongho returned soon after with everyone's orders, san muttering a soft thank you as he continued to hold wooyoung.

"san?" yeosang asked.


"i'm not sure if you two have even talked about where you're going after this, but if it's to your place and not ours, can you stop by for a second before you leave?"

"yeah, sure."

"i-i just... i have something to give you for woo. in case."

san nodded a bit, continuing to play with wooyoung's hair. wooyoung started to cling to him a bit tighter, the older quickly looking down and focusing his attention on the boy in his arms.

"woo..." san whispered. "you're safe... i'm here."


"i'm here, baby."


"not yet, okay, my love? try and have something to eat and drink and then you can nap."

"i-i wanna go home..." wooyoung muttered.

a frown appeared on yeosang's face, then he quickly shook it off before speaking to wooyoung.

"already? youngie, what's wrong?"

"f-feels like everyone's staring... l-like they used to."

"here... wanna take a walk, woo?" san asked softly.

"w-wanna go home, sannie... don't wanna be outside anymore."

"youngie... hwa's going to be here in a few minutes. can you stay until he gets here so he can see you? he's really worried."

"o-okay... i-i'll try."

san held back a frown when he looked down at wooyoung, quickly recognizing how broken and afraid his boyfriend looked.

"wooyoungie..." san whispered, kissing the boy's ear. "do you feel panicky right now? or just scared?"


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