- seventy -

463 32 26

cw / sexual content

christmas was only two days away, yeosang and seonghwa both having left the night before and san leaving later in the day (after spending the night with wooyoung, of course). wooyoung was beginning to get a bit nervous about being alone for a whole week, but san reassured him that it would be okay. and it would, wooyoung knew this, but he hadn't been alone in so long that he found himself worried.

"do you have to go...?" wooyoung mumbled, a pout on his face.

san smiled softly and pressed a gentle kiss to the boy's forehead, nodding only slightly.

"i do... remember though, i can come back sooner if you need me to, okay? i only need to be there for sure until the 26th."


"are you sure you don't want to come with me? you're welcome to, you know that."

"i-i don't want to intrude like that..."

"you wouldn't be intruding, love..."

"mm... what about bada though? i doubt he'd be able to come too..."

"right... i forgot about that. couldn't joongie watch him?"

"maybe... i just... i don't know. i'll be okay, sannie. i'm just going to miss you..."

san nodded again, pulling the boy closer to him.

"i love you so much, woo... and i'm so proud of you, yeah? i know the holidays are hard, but you're doing amazing."

"i needed to hear that... i love you too, sannie."

with a small smile on his face, san continued to hold wooyoung close, peppering the boy's skin with soft kisses. soon, he was leaving small marks, wooyoung letting out breathy moans in response.

soon, san stopped, pleased with his work, leaving wooyoung with a pout on his face.

"what's that face for?" san teased.

"sannie," he whined. "want more..."

"where do you want them, my love?"

"everywhere..." he whispered, his cheeks heating up.

san smirked slightly, gently placing his hands beneath wooyoung's shirt.

"may i?"


san gently removed wooyoung's shirt and laid the boy down in his bed, then straddled the boy and chuckled.

"you're so beautiful, my angel..."

"hurry up," wooyoung whined, pushing his lower half up and rubbing against san.

the younger let out a soft moan at the feeling, then san leaned down and started painting wooyoung's body with love bites. as he did, wooyoung rutted against him, his moans growing as he got closer to his high.


"what's up, darling?" he muttered between marks.

"n-need you..."

"what do you need from me, love? i need you to tell me..."


"words, angel. tell me what you need help with, i don't want to hurt you..."


so san moved off of the boy, assuming that was what he meant, but wooyoung immediately whined and shook his head, trying to find any kind of friction he possibly could.

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