- twenty two -

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tw / unintentional self harm

wooyoung and san planned to go out to eat for their date, both boys being excited for the night they had ahead of them. wooyoung hadn't been having a good day, but he was hoping that his time with san would make it better.

san showed up at the apartment door with a bouquet in hand, a bright smile on his face. yeosang opened the door and smiled, telling the boy to wait where he was so he could get wooyoung. san agreed quickly, and a couple of minutes later, wooyoung was opening the door.



"you look amazing, bub," san complimented, admiring how perfectly the boy's outfit matched his style.

"thank you," wooyoung muttered, hiding his face a bit as he blushed.

"i brought these for you," san explained softly.


san gently held out the bouquet for wooyoung to take, but the boy only shook his head.

"n-no one's ever gotten me flowers before," he whispered.

"well, i'm happy to be the first. they're pretty, like you."

"san, i-i can't take them... i-i—"

"shh... that's okay. i understand it's hard for you to get used to," san sympathized. "they're still yours though, okay? it's a gift from me. do you want to see if yeosang can find something to put them in?"

wooyoung nodded, holding back tears. san agreed and walked inside, slipping off his shoes before gently resting his hand on the small of wooyoung's back and guiding him to the kitchen, where he heard yeosang's humming.

"yeosang?" san asked.

"hm? what's up?"

"do you want me to ask, bug?" san asked wooyoung in a whisper.

he received a nod in response, wooyoung beginning to cling to san.

"okay... would you be able to put these in a vase or something?"

"yeah... yeah, of course i can. everything okay, youngie?"

"c-can't take..." wooyoung muttered, pointing at the bouquet.

"he told me he's never been given flowers before... i think he's overwhelmed," san explained.

wooyoung nodded in response.

"ohhhh, i see. it's okay to feel like this, okay, youngie? it's nothing to be ashamed of, you know nobody's going to judge you."

"yeosang's right, bub..." san said softly, gently pushing some of wooyoung's hair back. "do you want to stay here instead of going out?"

wooyoung shook his head, a slight pout on his lips.

"no... let's go out, please? i-i don't want to miss out on this."

"woo... you won't miss out on anything. we can just reschedule if you're not feeling it."

"san, please... please," wooyoung begged.

"shh... okay. it's okay, woo, we can go," san soothed, rubbing the boy's back. "i just want you to be sure, bub."

wooyoung started to take deep breaths, san's hands resting on his hips, gently rubbing the boy's sides. yeosang smiled small, putting the flowers in a glass and then adjusting them to look pretty.

"there we go... how's that, youngie?" yeosang asked.

"i-i like it..."

"i'm glad," san muttered, pulling wooyoung closer and kissing his forehead.

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