- fifty seven -

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it didn't get any easier for wooyoung to be in his room or work on packing. in fact, it usually ended in wooyoung spending the night at san's because of how paranoid he would get. it was a struggle for yeosang and seonghwa too, not knowing how to make it easier for wooyoung outside of just being with him. not to mention how much it hurt to see wooyoung in so much pain.

the boys were two days away from their big move, and yeosang was stressed out of his mind. san and wooyoung were cuddling on the couch, and yeosang had offered to help wooyoung a bit with his room while the boy tried to relax.

he missed jongho. with how much he'd been focusing on packing, he hadn't had much time to spend with the younger, and it was really starting to affect him now. the boy was at work, but yeosang knew he needed him badly, so he called him, holding back stressed tears.

"yeo? baby, what's up?"

"i-i'm sorry to be calling you like this..."

"no, no... don't be sorry. what's wrong?"

"i-i'm just... i-i need you. i-i miss you so much a-and the stress has really been getting to me... i-i'm trying to help woo with his room right now since he's been feeling so out of it today a-and i don't even know where to start."

"hey... deep breaths, baby... deep breaths. is there a lot left?"

"y-yes... a-and—"

"yeo... it's okay. we'll take care of it, sound good?"


"i'll talk to my manager and see what i can do. and even if i can't get out early, i only have a couple hours left, okay? you go relax for a bit, we can work on it when i get there."

yeosang could barely speak with the tears starting to form and choke up his throat. he let out a soft series of noises as he tried to thank jongho, and the younger only hummed softly.

"i love you, yeo. i'll see you soon, okay?"

"i-i love you too..."

the two hung up and yeosang sat on the floor with his knees to his chest for a couple of minutes as he tried to calm down. once he had, he made his way out to the living room, where wooyoung was fast asleep in san's arms.

"hey san," yeosang whispered.

"hey sangie... everything okay?"

"just really stressed... we only have a couple more days until we move..."

"woo's stressed too. he feels bad that he hasn't been able to get much done in his room too. doesn't want you to do all the work."


"mhmm. i think he wants to try and help when he wakes up from his nap."

"he doesn't have to... jjong's coming over after work to help me. i-i called him just to try and get some of these feelings off my chest and he offered to help."

san nodded a bit and gently took yeosang's hand in his own, giving it a soft squeeze.

"you're an amazing best friend, sangie. woo's really lucky."

"h-he's even better."

"you're also the best boyfriend i could have imagined for jongho. you two are so precious together."

"y-you think so?"

"i do. he loves you so much, sangie. i've never seen him so serious about anyone."

yeosang blushed softly, wiping a bit at his cheeks.

"i love him so much... i-it's crazy, when i met him last year, i never thought things would turn out like this."

"i don't think he saw it coming either. what you two have is really special, sangie."

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