- thirty nine -

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tw / unintentional self harm

wooyoung had officially made it through his first month of therapy, and with this accomplishment, he got all of his friends together to celebrate. san and jongho had a later class, so they were going to join later, but wooyoung was okay with this. he was excited to celebrate his progress no matter what.

he was currently sitting and talking with yunho, the boys discussing their love lives. mingi and hongjoong sat close by, talking about one of their classes, and seonghwa and yeosang were cooking dinner. wooyoung had suggested just ordering out so that they wouldn't have to do any work, but the two boys insisted on making the boy's favorite dish to celebrate.

"so, wooyoungie... how would you feel about a double date sometime?"

"with you and min? yes, of course!"

"awesome... we can set up a time sometime soon!"

"i'd like that," wooyoung whispered, resting his head on yunho's shoulder.

"hey, woo, how're you?" hongjoong asked as both him and mingi joined the two.

"mm... good. happy that i'm finally making some kind of progress..."

"i'm proud of you," hongjoong smiled.

wooyoung crawled out of yunho's arms and into hongjoong's at this, hugging the boy tight.

"thank you..."

hongjoong only nodded, holding wooyoung close and letting the boy relax for a moment. yunho and mingi smiled between each other at this, happy to see their best friend finally beginning to see the progress they had been seeing all along.

"how are things with san?"

"they're good... really good. have you asked hwa yet?"

"no, but it's almost done... it's going to be perfect."

"he's been waiting for so long, joongie... he's gonna be so happy."

"i hope so..."

"you make him happy, joong... really happy."

hongjoong smiled, blushing a bit. yunho then laughed upon noticing, hongjoong putting wooyoung next to him so he could get up and hit yunho, who quickly ran away.

while the two were running around, wooyoung sat himself next to mingi and sighed contently, resting his head on the boy's shoulder.

"i'm lucky," wooyoung muttered.


"yeah... i have all of my friends, a supportive family, and the most incredible boyfriend. you guys always do your best to make sure i feel safe and comfortable and i'm just so grateful for everything you all do."

"we're all just glad you're here with us, always. i know you've had it pretty rough, woo... and i know some days it's been hard to keep trying. i'm just so glad that you've never given up. throughout all of the hospital trips, feeling like you had no way out... all of it. i'm proud of you, woo. and so grateful that you didn't give up."

wooyoung's eyes shined with tears at mingi's words, the boy hugging onto the older's arm a bit tighter as he took a shaky breath.

"no, no... don't cry, wooyoungie... i'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you cry," mingi whispered with a frown.

"no... i-it's just... that means a lot to me, mingi..."

mingi nodded, humming slightly, then pulled wooyoung into a hug.

"i love you, woo."

"i love you too, min."

the two remained silent as they waited for hongjoong and yunho to come back, a pout on yunho's face when they did. the six boys soon gathered, talking amongst themselves, and wooyoung soon noticed what time it was.

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