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tw / very brief mentions of abuse, nothing detailed though :)

the holidays were fast approaching again, wooyoung excited to buy his friends and family gifts. but the holiday season also meant a lot of overwhelming settings for wooyoung, especially with some of his triggers relating to noise. the boys had about three weeks until christmas, and wooyoung was beginning to feel anxious about going back home.

"hey, sangie?" he asked softly.

"what's up, woo?"

"i don't think i'm going to go home for christmas... i'll probably visit a couple of weeks after or something, but it was just way too overwhelming for me last year."

"that's okay, woo. you do what's best for you, yeah? your family will understand."

"i would see about asking san if he could come with me again, but i know he's excited to spend some time with his parents. i'm not taking that away from him," wooyoung shook his head.

"you'll be okay here alone?" yeosang asked with worry.

"i think so... i'm doing so much better than around this time last year. i think i can do it."

"you know if anything happens and you need one of us here, we're all just a call away."

"i know... thank you, sangie."

yeosang nodded, hugging wooyoung close and kissing his forehead.

"have you told your mom yet?"

"no... she invited me for christmas last week and i told her i would get back to her... i made sure she knew i've been doing a lot better but i still needed some time to think about it."

"i'm proud of you, woo."

"thanks, sangie..."

soon, seonghwa and hongjoong had entered the room from seonghwa's own, their fingers laced together.

"hi sangie, hi woo~" seonghwa greeted.

"hey!" yeosang smiled.

"hi hwa, hi joongie~"

"hi sunshine," hongjoong muttered softly, smiling small when he saw how wooyoung beamed at the use of his nickname. "hi sangie."

"what are you two up to?" seonghwa asked, sitting down next to wooyoung.

"talking about christmas... i think i'm going to stay here this year," wooyoung explained.

"alone? or do you need someone here with you?"

"i'll be okay alone. i'm doing so much better now, i think i can handle it."

"as long as you're sure, woo. i don't want you to feel unsafe."

"i'll call someone if i need to, i promise."

"i'm not going home either, woo. if you need anything or want to spend some time together, call me, yeah?" hongjoong suggested.

"i will. thank you, joongie."

"love... you never told me you weren't going home," seonghwa whispered softly. "i would've invited you to come with me..."

"i don't go home much, hwa... but really, you don't have to. i don't really mind spending my holidays alone."

seonghwa still frowned, squeezing hongjoong's hand.

"san's picking me up soon," wooyoung mentioned. "we're going on a double date with yunho and mingi."

"aw! what are you guys doing?"

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