- fifty one -

586 36 3

tw / mentions of eating disorder

a week had passed since wooyoung had told san about how things were going with apartment hunting, and it was clear to the older that wooyoung hadn't said a word about how he was feeling to seonghwa or yeosang. so, he decided it was time to take matters into his own hands.

has woo told you guys yet?

told us what???

when you guys were over here
last week, he told me abt smth
w how he's been feeling with
apartment hunting and all

i told him he should tell you
guys but he was worried that
you would be annoyed

:( why would either of us be
annoyed if it has to do with
how he's feeling??

i don't know :( i just know that
he doesn't want to be a burden
to anyone & he probably feels
like he would be if he told you

can you tell me???

promise woo won't find out???

he won't

he's with joongie right now,,,
hwa and i have been looking
at places in the dining room
so we can figure out where we
want to look next


he told me that nothing's
felt safe enough of the places
you guys have looked so far

i had a feeling that was the case

anything else???

he said he wants to live nearby
where jjong & i live but he didn't
want you guys to be annoyed
by him telling you that

i think he might feel like he'll
annoy you guys if he seems like
he only cares about me or where
i am or something?? idk how to
explain it but he seemed really
worried that you guys would
get upset with him

that's not a bad location honestly

and joong isn't too far from there
either so it would be a pretty central
place for all 3 of us

i get what he means though :( i can't
say we've never done that before,,
with his ex we used to get annoyed
when he chose him over us, but tbh
i think it was just because we were
frustrated trying to protect him and
having this wall put between us

i get that :/ if you ever feel that way
with me, please just tell him, okay?

even if you don't have any reason to
protect him from me, i don't want
our relationship to get in the
way of your friendship.

i appreciate that, san

i'll tell seonghwa what you told
me, okay? and we'll find some
places to look at nearby you :)

not going to tell woo why we started
looking over there, just going to
wait and see if he brings anything up

sounds good :) thanks yeosang

i'm really glad that woo has you

anytime :) and i'm really glad that
woo has you too. you've really been
such a huge part of his healing and
i couldn't be more grateful

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