- eight -

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tw / mentions of unintended self harm

the first couple of days of finals passed quickly, each of the boys essentially locking themselves in a cafe, studio, or their own room. san hadn't seen anyone but jongho since finals had started, but it didn't surprise him.

things were a lot harder on wooyoung, who often used going and hanging out with san as a distraction from his own thoughts and trauma. his little ticks were growing stronger again, his nails bitten down to the point they were bleeding, cuticles practically nonexistent from all the picking, and small little marks beginning to appear on the boy's arms again from all the scratching and pinching he had done to himself. yeosang was the first person to notice, doing everything he could to keep the younger's mind off of all the bad thoughts and attempt to focus on studying.

"youngie, is there anything i can help you with?" the boy asked softly.

"i-i don't want to be stuck here anymore..."

"bubba, you're not stuck here... you know you can do whatever you feel like doing."

"i-i know but i don't like going anywhere a-alone..."

yeosang nodded, gently taking wooyoung's hand when he noticed the boy picking at his fingers again.

"you know you can always call me, yeah? if you want to do something you let me know and we'll do it."

"i know... i'm sorry..."

"you have nothing to be sorry for, woo," yeosang whispered, pulling wooyoung into his arms. "you're no bother to me, ever. i just want you to remember that."

wooyoung sniffed slightly and nodded, sighing softly.

"i love you, sangie..."

"i love you more, youngie. now, wanna go to a cafe with me to study?"

"can we?"

"of course. and if you want, you can invite san to come with us."

at the mention of the boy's name, wooyoung's heart dropped a bit. he was beginning to feel like maybe san was sick of him, especially since he hadn't heard much from the older since finals had started.

"i doubt he'd want to come," wooyoung muttered.

"what? why would you think that?"

"we've barely talked in days, sangie..."

"bubba... san seemed really stressed about finals the last time i talked to him. i don't think it's anything you did."

"are you sure?"

"absolutely. here, if you don't want to bother him by asking, i'll invite him."

wooyoung only nodded, hugging onto yeosang as the older pulled out his phone, calling their friend.

"hey, yeosang," san greeted tiredly.

"hey! how's it going, san?"

"eh, not great. finals are becoming my worst enemy if that says anything."

"ah, i feel you. listen, i'm not sure if you're up for it, but wooyoung and i were going to head to a cafe to try and get some studying done. want to come with us?"

"are you sure?"


"hm..." san muttered, debating the idea. "yeah, i'll come. just text me which cafe?"

"you've got it. we'll see you soon, san."

"see you~"

the two boys hung up and yeosang smiled in wooyoung's direction, gently brushing the younger's hair.

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