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the first night wooyoung was home, he slept in yeosang's bed, cuddling his best friend close. to nobody's surprise, the two were incredibly clingy after being apart for so long, and no one had an issue with it either. san expected to have wooyoung's bed to himself, as he knew jongho wasn't staying the night because he had an early class the next morning and he also had a feeling wooyoung would want to sleep in one of his roommates' rooms from the second they arrived.

the next morning, san woke up early, ready to take bada out so wooyoung wouldn't have to, but he was met by the door to find wooyoung already getting his shoes on.

"good morning, woo," san whispered softly.

the boy jumped slightly, a bit startled by the older, then he looked up and san saw the tear streaks running down wooyoung's face.

"woo... baby, you okay?"

san sat down next to wooyoung, gently taking the boy's hand and having the boy put his shoes down. wooyoung was silent at first, staring straight ahead and sighing.

"love... talk to me. what can i do to help?"

"i'm okay... i-i just... i needed to cry. a-and i didn't want to wake sangie so i thought i would bring bada out, o-or at least try to."

san nodded in response and softly kissed the boy's forehead.

"can i come with you?"

wooyoung nodded, then the two got their shoes on and wooyoung called bada over. he clipped on the puppy's leash and then kissed the dog's head, smiling slightly before the three made it out of the building.

the walk was quiet, but things were peaceful. no words needed to be spoken between the two, they just spent their time together in silence. wooyoung felt good being able to walk around with bada and san like this.

toward the end of their walk, wooyoung began to feel overwhelmed with emotion, tears welling up in his eyes. he stopped in his place, catching san's attention, and the older quickly rested his hands on wooyoung's hips.

"lovebug... what's wrong?"

"i-i just... all of a sudden i felt really emotional. i-i don't really know."

"oh baby... come here, give me a hug," san cooed, pulling wooyoung into a tight hug.

the boy cried softly in the safe embrace of san's arms, holding on tight in fear that he would slip away.

"y'know... i'm so proud of you for letting your feelings out. i know how hard it is for you and how scary it can feel. and yeah, it doesn't always happen at a good time for you, but that's okay. you're letting your body decide what it needs to do and i'm so proud of you for that."

wooyoung tightened his grip on san at this, sniffling a bit as he tried to start calming down so they could get back to the apartment. he would much prefer to be crying in the comfort of his own home.

"i-i love you," wooyoung muttered.

san smiled small and kissed wooyoung's temple, whispering back an "i love you too".

"can we go back? i-i feel awkward crying out here," the younger asked softly.

"of course, my love. let's go."

the two boys quickly made their way back, wooyoung showing a bit of urgency, as if he knew what was going to happen the second he walked inside. san could tell too, feeling a bit concerned as the two headed in.

almost as soon as they stepped inside, wooyoung was sobbing again. but this wasn't his normal cries, this was gut-wrenching, heartbreaking cries. san was glad that the boy was letting everything off his chest after so long of feeling like he had to hold a bit of it in, but that didn't stop him from being a bit worried.

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