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hongjoong had offered to stay with wooyoung an extra day having seen how down the younger had been on christmas, but the boy refused. he swore he was going to be alright and promised to call the older if he needed anything.

but of course, wooyoung didn't want to bother hongjoong. he didn't want to bother anyone, honestly. he was feeling extremely lonely, struggling to not give in to old habits and trying hard to distract himself. he distanced himself from his phone, feeling as though he would annoy his friends and boyfriend should he decide to message any of them, but what he didn't know was that his boyfriend was waiting for him to answer.

sannie <3
lovebug, how are you
doing today???

san waited a bit, not sure if maybe wooyoung was making food or maybe in the bathroom or something, and when he hadn't answered yet, the boy texted again.

sannie <3
woo?? baby are
you okay???

please tell me if you
need me for anything,
yeah? you know i'm
always here my love

time kept passing and wooyoung still hadn't answered, and from the text he had gotten from hongjoong, he knew damn well that the boy was alone.

sannie <3
my angel, please
please please answer

i'm sorry for texting so
much woo, i just can't
help but be worried :(

it had been almost two hours since the boy's first text, and san was growing anxious. he knew he shouldn't, that wooyoung was probably fine and just asleep or something, but he also knew the boy struggled the most when he was feeling lonely. so when another hour had passed and san hadn't heard anything, he called the boy, and when wooyoung didn't answer then, san decided he was going home.

"mom? dad? i'm leaving early... i have to get back."

"what's wrong, san? you look stressed..." his mother asked.

"it's just..." san sighed and took a deep breath. "i have a boyfriend... we've been together for close to a year now, i just never knew how to tell you."

"san..." his father started, frowning slightly. "you having a boyfriend doesn't change anything for us, as long as he's making you happy."

"he does... he makes me so incredibly happy, dad. he's just not answering right now and i'm worried. h-he's been through a lot and sometimes has trouble being alone, but he insisted he would be okay while all of our friends and myself were away. he's been answering every day, but he hasn't responded today and i'm worried..."

"you've called too?"

"yeah... still no answer..."

san's mother frowned and walked over to her son, hugging him warmly.

"go pack, i'll put some leftover desserts in a container for you to bring with you. make sure your boyfriend gets some."

san nodded, smiling small and letting out a sigh of relief now that his parents knew.

"by the way, san? what's his name?" his father asked.

"wooyoung. his name is wooyoung."

san had stars in his eyes as he spoke about the younger, his parents sharing a look when they realized. within just a few minutes, san was fully packed and ready to head back to his own place.

"here you go, sweetie. come visit soon, okay? and bring wooyoung next time!" his mother encouraged, kissing her son on the cheek.

san responded with a soft "okay" and a bright smile, then said his goodbyes to his parents before heading out to his car and trying to call wooyoung one last time before starting his journey home. wooyoung still didn't answer, san growing stressed the longer he didn't hear from the younger.

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