- eleven -

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tw / unintentional self harm, vague mentions of abuse

"sangie... d-do i have to go?"

"youngie, you haven't seen your family in so long... he never let you. i think you should give it a shot, yeah? and if you can't do it, call me. i'm only five minutes down the road, you know that."

"c-can you come in with me? stay for a little while?" wooyoung begged, his eyes welling with tears.


"please, sangie... i-i'm scared..."

yeosang frowned and hugged wooyoung tightly at this, the younger crying softly into his shoulder.

"shh... it's okay, woo... everything's going to be alright, i'm here. i'll come in for a few, but i can't stay for long. my mom wants me home to help her make the pies for tomorrow."


"and woo? if you don't feel like staying until monday, i know hwa's going back on either saturday or sunday. you can always text him."

"i-i will... thank you, sangie."

"san told you that you could call him anytime too, right?"

wooyoung nodded at this, trying to wipe his tears away and prepare to go inside.

"don't be afraid to call him... i know you, woo. you're going to try and get through this on your own. san's really good for you though... don't be afraid to lean on him."

"i-i just hate bothering people..."

"you're not a bother, youngie... i promise you that."

wooyoung said nothing, sighing slightly before nodding again.

"ready to go inside?"

"i-i think so..."

"okay... let's go, youngie. i bet they're all going to be so excited to see you!"

a small smile was put on wooyoung's face at yeosang's words, then the two got out of the car and went to the door. wooyoung subconsciously started to pick at his fingers as yeosang knocked on the door, wooyoung's mother opening it moments later.

"wooyoung..." she said softly, a smile appearing on her face.


"i didn't think you were going to show..." she admitted with a gentle frown on her face.

"n-no... mom, i said i would be here... i-i wouldn't lie to you, i promise..." wooyoung rambled.

"youngie, it's okay," yeosang reminded in a whisper, noticing how the younger was beginning to get nervous.

"all that matters is that you're here... we missed you, baby," she said softly, putting her arms out for a hug.

wooyoung anxiously moved forward and hugged his mother, his eyes beginning to well with tears again. he had missed his mom more than words could explain.

"i-i missed you too, mom..."

"oh... don't cry, honey... it's okay," the boy's mother cooed.

"i-i'm sorry..."

things were silent for a moment as the two embraced, then yeosang spoke up.

"youngie..." yeosang said softly.


"i'm going to head out, okay? call me if you need me."

"w-wait—" wooyoung choked out softly, quickly hugging onto yeosang.

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