- twenty nine -

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wooyoung woke up the next morning in yeosang's arms, shocked that he had made it through the night without having any nightmares. the boy sighed in relief at this, humming softly at the comfortable feeling that his two best friends provided to him.

he closed his eyes for a couple minutes longer after this, then reached for his phone to text san, only to find it was dead. he sighed frustratedly this time, pouting and looking at yeosang to try and gauge if the boy would be waking up soon. when he couldn't figure it out, he gently poked the boy's stomach.

"yeosangie... wake up," wooyoung whispered.

"mmm... everything okay, baby?"

"yeah... yeah, everything's okay. i just wanted to get up but i didn't want to accidentally hurt you when i did," wooyoung explained.

"ahhh, i see. what did you want to get up for? you rarely ever want to get up right away."

"i want to text san but my phone's dead..."

"ohhh, i see. here, use my charger so you don't have to go anywhere."

wooyoung nodded and put his phone on yeosang's charger, then cuddled up to the older and whispered a soft "thank you".

"did you sleep well?"

"really well... that's the first time in a long time that i've been able to sleep through the night."

"i'm really proud of you, woo... that's amazing."

"y-you know... i really didn't think i would make it through the night. i thought i would end up having to call san to pick me up a-and then you guys would be wondering where i went. i-i thought that was going to happen."

"i know... i know you were scared and that you didn't think you would get through it, and i would've completely understood if you had to do that for yourself."

"sangie? c-can we try making breakfast?"

"you think you'll be able to handle that?"

"i-i don't know, but i want to try."

yeosang smiled small and nodded, kissing the younger's temple before the two got up. they went to the kitchen quietly, seeing seonghwa still sleeping. once they'd gotten to the kitchen, wooyoung decided they should make pancakes, and yeosang went around to get all the ingredients.

as the two started to cook, things were going well. when wooyoung did start to feel overwhelmed, he vocalized this and yeosang insisted the boy go sit down for a bit out of the room to avoid him panicking or anything. this went well, the boy sitting down and texting san to see if he was awake.

hey bub :) i see you
made it through the night!

any nightmares?

nope :) i slept all night

woo that's amazing!!

i'm so proud of you bub <3

sangie & i are making
breakfast right now but i
started to get overwhelmed
so he told me to take a break
for a little bit so i wouldn't
panic like i did yesterday

good i'm glad you listened

you gonna make it through
breakfast you think??

i'm gonna try

i'm glad :) you still want
to go on a date today??

yes pls <3

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