- seventy eight -

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san and wooyoung had just finished up classes for the week, stopping at san's quickly and then heading over to wooyoung's before going to the younger's family's home. wooyoung was excited but tired, and san could tell that he needed a nap before going anywhere if he wanted to avoid having a panic attack. the boy was just a little too hyperaware for san to not take the extra precaution.

"my love, we should rest before we head out. refresh a little?"

"b-but we said we would be leaving right after classes!" wooyoung argued.

"yeah, i know, angel... but i'm tired and i know you are too. it'll be safer if we nap for a bit and then head out."

wooyoung pouted, but nodded in agreement and then led the boy to his room. bada was curled up in his own little bed in wooyoung's room when the boys walked in, waking up at the noise and quickly coming over to greet the two.

"hi bada..." san greeted, getting down to pet the dog.

"hi baby..." wooyoung whispered. "sannie and i are going to nap, okay? then we'll take you out and we can head to my house! kyungminnie's going to love you."

"how's kyungmin been?"

"he's been good... i've been checking in with my family more and they told me he's been doing well in school and such."

"that's good... i'm looking forward to seeing him later."

"me too... cuddle now?"

san nodded and the two got into bed, curling up together. wooyoung was quick to fall asleep, bada jumping up onto the bed and curling up against the boy's back shortly after. san smiled between the two, kissing wooyoung's forehead and giving bada a couple of head pats before he closed his eyes himself, but not before setting an alarm so that the two would be able to get up a bit later.


san woke up first, wooyoung still asleep despite the loud ringing of the alarm. bada was up too, quickly heading toward the door to tell san he needed to go out.

"okay, bada, we'll take you out as soon as woo is up."

gently, san shook the boy, whispering his name.

"wooyoung? my love? it's time to wake up... we need to bring bada out."

wooyoung groaned and turned toward san, yawning and opening his eyes.

"hi baby... sleep well?"

a nod was given before the boy rubbed his eyes, then getting up. san smiled small, always in awe of the younger's habits when he first woke up.

it didn't take long before the two had taken bada out and headed back to grab their things, and soon enough they were on the road.

in just a couple hours' time, the boys had arrived, wooyoung getting excited the second he saw his house. san smiled when he noticed, parking and then gently giving the boy's hand a squeeze.

"i'll start getting our things and get ready to bring bada in. you go say hi."

with a quick nod, wooyoung sped up to the door, knocking with a big smile on his face. kyungmin opened the door, running toward his brother and jumping into his arms for a hug.

"wooyoungie hyung!"

"hi kyungie... how've you been?"

"good! so good! even better now!"

wooyoung chuckled before putting the boy down.

"san's over at the car getting our things if you want to go say hi. but be calm, okay? our puppy is with him and i don't want you to startle him!"

kyungmin gave a nod and gave wooyoung one last hug before making his way over to greet san, wooyoung looking up to see his parents standing in the doorway.

"wooyoung... welcome home, baby," his mom greeted.

"hi mom... hi dad. i'm really happy to be home."

"we've missed you..."

"i-i've missed you more... a-and i'm sorry i couldn't come home for christmas, it was just—"

"you don't have to explain, wooyoung," his father interrupted. "we're just glad you're making the time to visit us when you feel like you can."

"i'm starting to do a lot better... a-and san has of course been helping a lot. he got me a puppy, bada, too. bada's been helping me a ton. so i think... i think i'll be able to start coming home more often sometime in the future."

"we'd love that."

kyungmin came running up to the door again with bada securely in his arms, excited to show his parents.

"look at hyung's dog!" he squealed.

"oh my goodness, he's so little!"

"yeah... he's still pretty young. hey, kyungie, can i take bada and you go see if sannie needs any help?"

kyungmin nodded and handed over the puppy, who wooyoung gave a small kiss to before cradling gently in his arms.

"this is bada. he was rescued, he had come from a really bad home so he was pretty behind in his growth. sannie and i took him to the vet a couple weeks ago, actually, and he's doing much better already. almost completely back on track."

"he's such a good boy..."

wooyoung nodded and soon, san and kyungmin returned carrying their bags. wooyoung smiled at this, and the second that san put the bags down, the younger's mother was making her way over to give the boy a hug.

"san, it's so nice to see you again."

"it's lovely to see you all too... it's been quite a while now."

the group caught up as they moved inside, wooyoung putting bada down and letting the puppy explore his surroundings.

it was a few minutes later that wooyoung looked around with a smile, feeling content as he watched his family and san talking with a smile. he couldn't wait for this to be forever.

just him and san, living their own little life together.

CHELLATEEZ TOMORROW!!! i'm so proud of my boys 😭 can't wait to watch the stream

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