- eighty eight -

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wooyoung and his mother were in the midst of making cookies when the woman's phone rang, and she quickly excused herself to answer.

"i'm about ten minutes away! i just wanted to let you know," san said excitedly.

"perfect, we just finished making the batter a little while ago and the first batch of cookies is in now. he should be busy with that when you arrive. i'll try to meet you at the door, but if i can't, just come on in."

"sounds good. i'll see you soon."

the two hung up and eunkyung returned to the kitchen to see wooyoung starting to put some things away to try and keep the area tidy.

"what are you up to, sweetheart?"

"just tidying up a bit... um, i was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed because of everything being out."

"well then, i'm glad that you were taking care of yourself. how's that first batch doing?"

"looks good so far," wooyoung nodded. "hey... mom?"

"yeah, honey?"

"thank you... for doing this with me. it feels really good."

"i'm so glad, sweetheart. i'm always happy to keep you company."

"while san is here... can the three of us do something together? i don't know what just yet, but i want to do something with just you two. while kyungie is at school and dad's at work."

"of course we can... i'd love that, wooyoung."

wooyoung had a bright smile on his face at this, and soon after the first batch of cookies finished. the boy put them on the cooling rack and put the next batch in, then sat at the table on his phone.

"do you want a snack or anything, honey?"

"mm, i'm just going to wait for the cookies to cool off a bit, then i'll have one of those. i'm not super hungry right now."

"okay... you all set in here for a bit? i have to run to the bathroom."

wooyoung nodded, the woman kissing his forehead before making her way out of the room and to the front door. she opened it just a crack after seeing a text from san saying he had arrived, wanting to be quiet and not spoil the surprise.

she quietly hugged the boy once he had walked in, then whispered that wooyoung was in the kitchen and followed behind him inside.


"yeah, honey?" she called out.

"is bada with you?"

"he's in the living room, sweetheart. napping on the couch. do you need him?"

"no, just got worried when i didn't see him."

she nodded after that and san walked into the kitchen, the sound causing wooyoung to look up, surprised when it was his boyfriend and not his mother.


"hi baby..."

"am i dreaming? o-or are you really here?"

"i'm here, love... i asked your mom if i could come a bit early."

within seconds, wooyoung was up and hugging san tight, holding back excited tears.

"shh... baby, it's okay..."

"i-i'm just... i'm so happy to have you here..."

san smiled, pressing a kiss to the boy's temple as he continued to hold him close, swaying slightly.

"i'm happy to be here, my love," san said softly.

the oven timer when off shortly after, wooyoung about to leave san's embrace to grab them when his mom came in.

"i'll take care of them, sweetheart. you and san can go upstairs."


"wooyoung, sweetie, go spend some time with san. i'll finish these up."

"are you sure? w-we can stay down here if you want any help..."

"go rest, honey. i promise it's okay with me."

wooyoung smiled small and nodded, going over and giving his mom a hug before latching onto san again. the older chuckled, pressing another kiss to the boy's head before they left the room.

wooyoung quickly got bada from the living room and san grabbed his things, the two heading up to wooyoung's room soon after. bada was laid to continue his nap in his own little bed, then wooyoung grabbed san's hand and led him over to lay down.

"i've missed you so much, sannie..."

"i've missed you more, my love."

wooyoung sighed softly as his body finally relaxed, the comfort of having his lover beside him one that was incomparable.

"ahh, i knew you seemed tense," san whispered as he felt wooyoung's muscles beginning to relax against him.

with that, he slowly started to rub the boy's back, properly massaging it in places that seemed extra tense. wooyoung moaned softly in response, the feeling being both relieving and relaxing.

"that feel good?" san asked gently.

"mhmm... i-i didn't realize how tense i really was..."

san smiled small and kissed the boy's jaw, happily enjoying every second he was spending beside the younger.

"nap with me?"

"i already napped today," wooyoung pouted. "if you're tired though, i'm not going anywhere..."

san nodded, pulling wooyoung as close as he could and laughing a bit.

"now you can't go anywhere, even if you tried."

wooyoung smiled at this, closing his eyes. he couldn't believe san was already there. it felt like for once, the universe was on his side. they knew he needed the extra motivation and sent it his way.



"i love you..."

"i love you more, angel."

san fell asleep not long after, wooyoung staying curled up in his arms, barely moving an inch. he was comfy, he felt safe, and most importantly, he felt happy. none of this came easily to him, so he was basking in the feeling.

he feared that it would be ripped away again, however he tried his best to focus on the present, not the "what ifs". with san by his side, he knew that good things were possible.

one last cute lil update before i'm in finals mode

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