- forty five -

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tw / discussions of abuse/sexual abuse/rape late in chapter — will mark start of this section of the chapter w/ <3<3<3 since the beginning is important !!

at some point, san had fallen asleep too. he only woke when he felt something wet beneath him, opening his eyes to see the sheets were what was wet. he frowned softly when he realized that wooyoung must've still been frightened in his sleep. he had read up on trauma responses when he started to get close to the boy and knew bed wetting was one.

he knew wooyoung would be embarrassed, but he couldn't let the boy sleep like this for long.

"hey, woo? love... can you wake up for a few minutes?"


"baby, you need to get changed... i don't want you to be uncomfy."


"please, love? you can go right back to bed after, i just need to change the sheets."

with a pout on his face, wooyoung slowly opened his eyes, but as soon as he noticed the bed was wet, he shot up from where he laid.

"i— i-i'm s-so sorry... i-i— p-please don't be m-mad..." wooyoung rambled, tears beginning to well in his eyes. "i-i'll c-clean it up! p-please just d-don't be u-upset with me..."

san frowned softly at this, sitting back beside wooyoung and gently resting his hand on the small of the boy's back.

"woo... do i look upset?"

"i-i— s-sannie, i d-didn't mean to!"

"angel... look at me, please..." san whispered gently.

shakily, wooyoung raised his head to see san looking at him with a soft and worried expression.

"i'm not mad at you, my love. i could never be mad at you for something like this. it's not in your control, i know that. i just want you comfortable, okay?"

wooyoung gave a slow nod, tears of embarrassment and fear still coming out of his eyes. san gently reached out his hand and wiped the younger's tears, then pressed a kiss to the boy's forehead.

"i'm right here... you're safe, everything's okay. what can i do to make you more comfortable?"

"i-i don't know..."

"okay... how about we get you to the bathroom and you can take a shower, yeah? and i'll change the sheets while you're in there. does that sound like a good start?"

wooyoung gulped and nodded, taking shaky breaths. san noticed the uncertainty in the boy's eyes, resting his forehead against the latter's.

"i love you, woo... something like this could never change that."

"y-you mean it?"

"of course, my angel. i'll do anything to reassure you of that."

wooyoung latched onto san and hugged him tightly, hiccuping slightly from his tears. san rubbed the boy's back, kissing his temple and whispering soft words of affirmation to help center the boy.

"i-i love you, sannie..."

"i love you too, woo."

within a couple of minutes, san was leading wooyoung to the bathroom and getting him set up for a shower, kissing the boy's forehead before he stepped in.

"call out if you need me, okay? i'm just going to change the sheets and then i'll come back in here."


san smiled small and waved as he left the room, leaving wooyoung to clean himself up while he went and changed his own clothes and the sheets. the boy's reaction worried san, did wooyoung really think he would be upset?

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