- twenty -

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the next couple of days, san and wooyoung were completely inseparable. their friends all found it cute, honestly, and jongho and yeosang both noticed it was helping both of them a lot.

"wooyoungie?" yeosang whispered softly, opening his bedroom door.

"hm?" the boy muttered sleepily, turning his head in yeosang's direction.

"youngie it's monday... we have class in an hour."

"i-i don't want to go..."

"san has a class too, woo. can you get him up too?"

"how do you know that?"

"jongho," yeosang stated, giggling a bit.

"you two are pretty close now, aren't you?"

"mm, if i tell you, will you get up?"

"fine," wooyoung sighed.

"i like him a lot, actually... we kind of have a thing, i suppose."

"what do you mean by that?"

"well... i know he likes me back, we just haven't put an official label on things just yet."

"what?!" wooyoung yelled, sitting up.

san whined slightly at this, beginning to wake up a bit. wooyoung quickly hushed him, telling him to rest a bit longer, then he turned back to yeosang.

"why didn't you tell me before?!" wooyoung yelled in a whisper.

"well, you've been a little preoccupied," yeosang explained, pointing to san.

"oh, shut up," wooyoung muttered, rolling his eyes. "have you guys kissed?"

"well, yeah. did you even notice that when we went over to san and jongho's the other day that i never left?"

"wait a minute... you stayed the night too?! i thought that i just missed you leaving because san and i were in his room!"

"nope, i stayed the night. and joong stayed the night here when that happened."

"are those two official yet? did i miss that too?"

"nope, they're still pining. now get up, i'll tell you more later."


"we can't be late to our only class today! chop, chop!"

wooyoung reached over san and grabbed a stuffed animal, throwing it in yeosang's direction to get the boy to leave. once he was gone, wooyoung cupped san's cheek and started trying to wake him up.

"hey, sannie? it's time to get up, we have classes today..."

san whimpered at this, pulling wooyoung closer.

"sannie... we have to go, we can't skip."

"five more minutes," san mumbled.

"you can have five minutes, but i'm getting up, okay?"

san whined a bit again, pulling wooyoung closer, causing a small smile to form on the younger's face.


"woo, please?"

"you're really hard to say no to sometimes," wooyoung laughed, laying back down beside san.

"i hope for good things only," san muttered, holding wooyoung close to him.

"of course."

the two fell into a comfortable silence, cuddling close to each other for the next few minutes and then getting up. they got ready quietly, then headed to the kitchen and ate breakfast with seonghwa and yeosang. after that, they finally parted ways, wooyoung riding with seonghwa and yeosang since they had class together.

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