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cw / discussions of different mental disorders & symptoms

the next day, san and wooyoung had gone to the boy's therapist's office and spoken to her, getting wooyoung scheduled for a formal psychiatric evaluation with her for later that week. it would go deeper than the intake forms that wooyoung had initially filled out, and it had turned out that the woman had been planning on proposing the idea of a full psychiatric evaluation to the boy anyways.

now, san and wooyoung were sat in the waiting room as wooyoung mentally prepared himself to go in for his evaluation, both afraid and eager for some kind of answer of what was going on with him.

"you're going to be okay, woo... it's just your therapist, yeah? no one new. and i'll be waiting right here for you after, okay?"

wooyoung nodded, taking a shaky deep breath.

moments later, the boy's name was called and he followed his therapist into her office.

"i'm glad you were interested in getting a full psychiatric eval, wooyoung. i've been meaning to see if you were interested in one or if you preferred to just have therapy going, so i'm glad you're taking control for yourself."

wooyoung only nodded, too scared to speak.

"alright, i'm going to first have you fill out this quick cross measure assessment so i can take a look at what diagnosis assessments might be the best for you to take, okay?"

another nod, and wooyoung was left with a paper and a pen in front of him before his therapist leaned back, doing a little bit of her own busy work to not disturb or cause stress to wooyoung.

it took him a little less than five minutes to complete, then his therapist cross checked the various domains and went into her file cabinet, pulling out six different diagnosis assessments.

"now we'll go into these, alright? i know it looks like a lot, but none of them should be too long! if you have questions, you can let me know, okay? start with these two, then i'll take a look and give you the next ones."

they went through this process a few times, and then the boy's therapist looked at all of the assessments he had taken, making small noises as she compared different scores and made a few marks for her own reference.

"okay, wooyoung. so based on these scoring measures and my own knowledge from our sessions, i feel confident in giving you a diagnosis, as well as some options for how we can go about treating this diagnosis."


"would it be helpful for you to have san in here with you for this part? i'd be happy to go get him for you."


the woman nodded in response and quickly went out to get san, and within a minute or so, san was sitting beside wooyoung, gently holding his hand.

"hi, woo..."


the woman sat down again and wooyoung looked up immediately, his body tensing.

"so, i'm not sure if you've heard of the dsm at all? i had you take a variety of assessments that coincide with this manual, which lays out criteria for a variety of diagnoses of mental disorders."

"i think i have..."

"the assessments i gave you were for depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, somatic symptom disorder, and post traumatic stress disorder. for all of these except for ocd, you scored within the range that is considered severe. but, in your case, i think it is most fit for you to be given these two diagnoses... panic disorder and post traumatic stress disorder."

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