- fourteen -

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wooyoung went over to san's dorm nearly every day after their movie night, and san welcomed him with open arms. yeosang was beginning to realize that wooyoung had some kind of feelings for san, as much as the younger insisted he didn't. he quickly informed seonghwa, who agreed instantly. the two decided they needed to talk to wooyoung and figure out what was really going on between the two, hopefully without upsetting the boy.

"hi sangie, san's picking me up soon," the boy announced happily, sitting down next to the older and cuddling into his side.

"oh really? i was hoping you'd be home for the day..."

"o-oh... um... i can— i can cancel?"

"no, no youngie, you don't have to. can you see if he can pick you up a little later though? i wanted to have some time with you."

"y-yeah! i-i can do that!" wooyoung smiled weakly, afraid to admit to yeosang that he didn't actually want to.

"thank you, youngie," yeosang muttered sweetly.

"is hwa home too?"

"he'll be back in a couple minutes, he was going to get food for the three of us."

"really? me too?"

"of course, bubba... you live here too, don't you?" yeosang joked, causing laughter from the younger.

things grew quiet as wooyoung went to text san and ask if he could come a bit later, making sure to mention how yeosang had asked for a little time with the younger and it wasn't anything for san to worry about. a few minutes later, seonghwa arrived to the apartment with a bag of food. he smiled small seeing his two best friends cuddled up on the couch, then placed their food on the coffee table in front of them.

"dig in, you two," seonghwa insisted.

wooyoung and yeosang both nodded, beginning to eat while seonghwa went to the kitchen for waters for the three boys. when he returned, he kissed the top of both boys' heads before sitting down and beginning to eat himself.

when they finished, wooyoung was quick to gather everyone's trash and throw it all away, returning to where he sat before and cuddling into yeosang's side again after.

"hey, wooyoungie? can we talk?" seonghwa asked softly.

wooyoung froze in his place, beginning to get worried.

"it's nothing bad, honey. i promise."


seonghwa moved to sit next to wooyoung, gently taking his hand.

"do you like san?" he asked.

"w-what? hwa... w-why would i like san?"

"youngie... i've known you since we were just little kids, i know what you're like when you like someone. you can be honest with us, you know that," yeosang pitched in.

"b-but i don't. i can't."

"honey, it's okay... you can. even if you're scared, even if you're not ready, you can still like him," seonghwa tried to explain.

"no... no, no, n-no... i-i can't. i won't."

by now, wooyoung was panicking. he was so terrified by the feeling of butterflies and happiness that san brought him, and yet he yearned for that feeling just as much. but he couldn't risk it. he couldn't risk another him. because in the start, everything was amazing. wooyoung was treated perfectly. until one day, he wasn't. and he didn't want to go through that again.

"shh... hey, youngie, look at me," yeosang encouraged softly, cupping the boy's cheeks.

wooyoung looked at yeosang with furrowed brows, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"are you scared that san will be like him?"

wooyoung nodded, a whimper escaping his lips.

"do you trust me, bubba?"

another nod was given.

"san's not like him, youngie. san will never be like him."

"h-how are you so sure?"

"well... i've been talking to jongho a lot. he's told me some things. things that san should be the one to tell you. i was told these stories from jongho's point of view, from where he fell into the storyline. but i really think that san is different, woo. i don't think he would try to hurt you."


"do you think he would hurt you, honey?" seonghwa asked.

"w-well, no, b-but—"

"shh... no but's, youngie."

"i-i'm just so s-scared..."

"i know you are, wooyoung... i know. we both do. and we're going to be here by your side no matter what, yeah? we'll guide you through this fear, okay?"

wooyoung nodded, nuzzling his head into yeosang's shoulder and squeezing seonghwa's hand.

"i-i like him a-a lot..."

"good... he's really good for you, youngie."

"y-you think?"

"i do... i really do. and i think you mean a lot to him. i don't know for sure if he likes you or not, but i can tell that you're really special to him."

wooyoung sniffled, closing his eyes with a small smile on his face.


"yes, really. when's he coming to get you, hm?"

"an hour or so," wooyoung yawned.

"okay," yeosang whispered, gently playing with wooyoung's hair, realizing that the boy was going to fall asleep soon.

seonghwa smiled small, kissing the boy's hand gently and giving it a squeeze.

"i'm going to go clean up the kitchen a bit, joong's coming over for dinner tonight. call out if you need anything, yeah?"

yeosang nodded, continuing to play with wooyoung's hair as the boy relaxed. within the next ten minutes or so, wooyoung fell asleep, yeosang gently laying the boy across the couch and covering him with a blanket. he got up himself and called san, deciding to invite the boy over.

"hi san," yeosang said softly.

"hey yeosang... everything okay?"

"everything's okay. woo's just sleeping now, he was a bit upset earlier when we were talking about something and it wore him out, so i wanted to see if maybe you wanted to come over here for a bit? i don't know how long he'll be asleep, so yeah..."

"do you think he'll still want to go to mine later? it's okay if not, i just want to see."

"i think he will. it'll just be easier for you if you don't have to guess when to come get him."

"okay... i'll be over soon, if that's okay."

"of course. just text when you're here and i'll open up. woo's on the couch so it's best if you don't knock."

"ahh, okay. i'll see you soon, yeosang."

"see you, san~"

surprise! another update :) the comeback is coming up so soon i'm so excited!!

qotd; are there color associations you make with each member?
for me i associate blue with yunho, purple with jongho, forest green with san, etc

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