- forty seven -

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"mom," wooyoung whispered as the boys walked inside.

"hi, honey," she said softly, hugging her son.

"this is san. san, this is my mom, eunkyung."

"ah, you can call me mom too, san. most of wooyoung's friends do, it would be wrong for me to not allow his boyfriend to as well," the woman chuckled.

"thank you, ma'am. it's so good to meet you."

"it's lovely to meet you too, hun. seems you make my son really happy."

"i do my best," san nodded.

eunkyung then hugged the boy tight, grateful to him for sticking by wooyoung's side.

"thank you for being there for my son. it means more to me than you know."

"mom..." wooyoung whined, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"it's okay, wooyoungie," san reassured. "i think it's sweet."

"ah, i love him already, wooyoung! i'll leave you two alone for now and let you get settled in, alright?"

wooyoung nodded, kissing his mother's cheek before the two went upstairs and headed into wooyoung's room.

"this is my room... i-it's not much, but—"

"i love it. it's nice and cozy."


"yeah... and i can tell this is a place of comfort for you too. makes me happy."



"i just... your words mean a lot to me."

san smiled small, pulling wooyoung close and looking him in the eyes.

"i love you, my angel," he whispered.

"i love you too..."

they shared a sweet kiss before wooyoung dragged san to his bed, the two laying down comfortably.

"i want you to meet my mom," san whispered. "she'd love you."

"what about your dad?"

"um... i'm not out to him. i'm a bit worried about how he'll react. he's very traditional..."

"ah... i see."

"maybe we can visit sometime soon... i'll come out to him and introduce you to both of them."

"that sounds nice..."

things grew quiet for a bit, san playing with wooyoung's hair as the boy rested his head on the older's chest. wooyoung felt good being here, getting away from his apartment and the stresses of being in that area. san could sense it too, how wooyoung was feeling calmer and more relaxed.

the quiet atmosphere only changed when wooyoung's little brother, kyungmin, knocked on the door.

"wooyoungie!" he called.

wooyoung shot up and went to the door, opening it with a smile on his face.


wooyoung wrapped the boy in a tight hug, san smiling over at the two as he sat up.

"hyung? who's that?" kyungmin asked, looking at san.

"ahhh, this is san. he's my boyfriend," wooyoung introduced with a smile.

wooyoung brought kyungmin over to his bed, san waving a bit.

"san, this is kyungmin, my little brother."

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