Season 1-Chapter 1: Hawkins (Wills POV)

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Will needed to get away from his old place in Derry, his dad was extremely abusive to the point where he almost hurt Will and his brother Jonathan and that's when Joyce, their mother, had enough and moved the three to Hawkins. Will wasn't too excited about the move as all of his friends, his little group, was now gone. He had to start all over again.

"Hey Will and Jonathan, help me get these boxes," Joyce exclaimed. She had her hair in a ponytail wearing a brown turtleneck. Joyce had put on a fake smile, still thinking about what she had seen and how Lonnie could do such a thing. He wasn't the guy she once knew. Jonathan and Will rushed to help Joyce with the boxes. Will was also thinking about Lonnie and his old town and how different things would be here. When Will went inside, he looked around stunned by how the place looked. It was two stories, the place looked so empty. "It's better than where we used to live," Jonathan exclaimed, smiling at Will. "Yeah, maybe," He had said, taking the boxes to his new room, which also looked so empty. He started to put his posters up, Will was a sucker for anything horror. He could watch the most gruesome things unfazed even though Joyce would flinch. He was very intent on the Chucky franchise promising to buy the movies to watch them, alone

9:45 pm

"Boys, come downstairs! Dinners ready, " Joyce yelled. Will typically didn't eat much, and when he did, it never stayed down. When Lonnie was still around, he'd always call Will fat and encouraged him starstarvingself he encouraged him to cuttcuttingself, and Lonnie didn't care about Will one bit. Will got a habit from this. He'd starve himself every day only eating the bare minimum. "On my way," Jonathan said, hurrying down the stairs. Will was laying on his bed listening to his playlist almost at max volume, thinking about his old friends how bad high school could be. Joyce stood at his door and then took the headphones off of his head, and then they went downstairs to eat, but Will wouldn't keep the food down.

7:05 am

Will got up and put on dull clothes. It was his first day, and he didn't want to stand out. "Hey sweetie, breakfast is on the table," Joyce said, smiling at Will. "I'll eat at school, mom," Will said, leaving the house before she could reply. He walked to the bus stop seeing another person, her hair was in a long braid, she had orange hair, and she had headphones on loud so he could hear it, it was Running Up That Hill. She turned to look at Will, and he smiled at her. She smiled back. The bus came down and they went on it, there was only one seat left and they sat together. "Uhm, my name is Will," he said smiling. Truthfully, he wanted friends here he didn't want to be alone. "Max, Max Mayfield," she said, shaking Will's hand. They had a lot in common, clicking.

When they got off the bus, it turned out they had almost all of their classes together. They walked to their ELA class, and Will stopped looking at another kid. He had black hair, he was wearing a white turtleneck and light blue jeans, and he looked cute. Max saw him looking in his direction, "ok, well sit next to him. I'll sit next to her," Max said, smiling. He sat next to this mysterious guy, awkward.

Hey, I hope you all enjoyed this. The next chapter is a Max POV. This story is mainly about Byler, so most of the others. I'm at school, so I'll write it at some point. I love you all

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