Season 2-Chapter 17: War(Wills POV

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Will always knew Karen would go and stab Mike in the back, most people don't change. And deep, deep down, he thought Lonnie would stab him in the back, but he shook this thought away. Right now he needed to help Mike against Karen. And they have a court date in soon, but Will wasn't going to wait for this and thought now would be a good idea.

He walked up to the Wheeler house where Karen now lived alone. He knocked on the door and no one answered. "Karen I know your I'm there," Will said aggressively and continued to knock, each knock getting louder and harder. "What do you want," Karen said swinging the door open. "Give us back the money and we won't take you to court," Will said trying to peacefully resolve things. "No, Mike is legally my child amd he's underage meaning I'm aloud to do whatever I want with his money," she said and Wills face lit up, "thanks for the info," he said and Karen closed the door. Will went back to his house with an idea.

"So basically she has rights to your money because legally, she's your mother," Will said and Mike nodded not knowing what he's getting at. "So if we have her give up her rights as your mother," Will said and Mike's face lit up. "She wouldn't have those rights meaning," Mike said and Will smiled "that's a winning battle," Will said and Mike smiled. "The only issue is I don't want us to legally be brothers so like," Will said and Mike looked at him "we'd have to find someone else but," Mike said and Will looked at him "we'd have to get her to relinquish her rights," Will said and Mike nodded.

"And you want me to be your dad?" Hopper said and Mike nodded and Hopper turned to Will and he also nodded. "Renund me why Joyce can't just do this," Hopper said and Will rolled his eyes. "We've been through this, it'll be weird dating if we are legally brothers," Will said and Hopper nodded. "And you also want me to get Karen to relinquish her rights," Hopper said and Will looked at him convincingly. "Listen about that might need to get with her if you know what I mean," Will said and Hopper shook his head. "I'm not doing that she was already horrible back in high school, she will still be horrible today," Hopper said picking up a sprite. "Please if you do it we will give you half of what we earn from the court case," Will said and Hopper turned to him. "Give me 60% and you have a deal," Hopper said and Will and Mike nodded.

Will and Mike sat in a bush watching from afar. "Hey Karen remember me," Hopper said and Karen smiled. "Yeah Hoo, I remember you," she said opening the door further so he coukd come in and they moved to watch from the window as it was cracked a little. "So what brings you here?" Karen asked walking to the kitchen. "Well I heard you and Ted aren't together anymore," Hopper said smiling and Karen smiled at him. "That's true," she said smiling. "Well so am I," Hopper said inching closer to Karen, she tried to kiss him. "Woah there tiger, sign this first, it's to help you with the case, that's what the lawyer said," he said, "I don't need to know why," she said signing the paper and kissing Hopper. "Let's get that paper before we see something we don't wanna see," Will said and Mike nodded. They snuck in the house and grabbed the paper, they then left.

"You both owe me big time," Hopoer said and they nodded. And so now with Karen's rights taken away Hopper was now Mike's legal dad making El legally his sister. The best part was that Karen had no clue, and he couldn't wait to see the look of her face in the courtroom.

Today was court day and Will was positive Mike was going to win, and he smiled when Karen walked in, because she looked so confident and all of that confidence was going to dissaoear in the matter of seconds.

"Judge, I am Mike's legal mother. Meaning I have a right to his bank account until he is of age," Karen said and the judge nodded. "That is true, Mike what would you like to say," the judge said and Will smiled at Karen and she fake smiled back. "She's not my legal mother ma'am, I have a signed sheet of her giving away her rights, and another sheet showing that Jim Hopper is actually my legal guardian. This makes Karen a thief as she stole money from me." Mike said and her face went blank. "Her either looks like you stole money from him. Because of the amount that you stole, I sentence you to 8 months in federal prison and you owe Mike twice the money you stole meaning you owe him 100 thousand. Her face dropped as she was being carried away. Will waved goodbye to her and she gave him a stink eye.

"How's prison Karen," Will said sitting on the other side of the glass. "How?" She asked and he smirked. "Well that sheet you signed gave up your rights and allowed Hopper to legally adopt Mike. This wars over, and we won," Will said smiling and Karen glared at him. "Go to hell," she said and Will smiled. "I'll see you there," he said walking out of the prison smiling.

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