Season 5-Chapter 21: No Time Left (Will's POV

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Will was dreading graduation. He wasn't ready for him and his friends to be split like that, and he felt like he had no time left. It was now February, and they were just three months away from graduation and just three months away from becoming actual adults.

Will got up and saw that it was already Friday. Yesterday, had just felt like Monday. The days were zooming past him, and he just remembered it being August, and it was now February. He got up and got ready and looked down at his hand, and then at the ring. He smiled to himself and then realized the time, and there was a high chance they wouldn't get married until after college. He figured both didn't realize how fast the days were going, which is why they didn't start planning it sooner. He picked up his bag and left the house.

"Hey," Will said, sitting beside Mike, and Mike smiled and looked back down at his paper. "It's February," Will said, and Mike raised an eyebrow. "Wait, am I forgetting something? Isn't valentines Day next week?" Mike asked, taking out his phone to check the date. "No, the wedding, we never planned it," Will said, and Mike exhaled. "Dammit, you're right. Do you think we have time?" Mike asked, and Will shrugged. "Can we plan and do a wedding in three months?" Will asked, and Mike thought about it. "I don't know, we need to make sure our grades stay up, so the added stress might be too much," Mike said, and Will nodded. "So let's get married after college," Will said, and Mike smiled and nodded. "You better visit me every holiday and break," Will said, and Mike nodded. "Of course," Mike said, and Will looked down at his assignment.

Will walked over to practice. He was captain of the cheerleading team. His team was filled with guys and girls alike, making it more diverse. The school shifted from being majorly homophobic to being majorly inclusive. Everyone was their own thing, and Will loved that. He was kind of upset it took so long, but otherwise, he was extremely happy about it. He helped his team practice, but he wasn't really there with them. He could only think about his future with Mike and if he could trust him. They'd be doing ling-distance for at least 4 years, depending on the degree Mike would go for. Will had plans to get a master's, and depending on what Mike wanted, it could make their long-distance last 6 years.

He walked home, trapped in his thoughts. He really had no idea how he was going to make everything work with him and Mike. He wanted them to last, but long-distance usually ruined relationships. At least, that's what he was on TV.

When he got home, he flopped onto his bed and just thought. He had many different thoughts in his mind of what he could do, but they were probably all bad ideas. He just needed to let go of his trust issues and trust Mike. After all, Mike didn't do some major horrible thing to make Will not trust him.

Will decided that he was going to try and make this long-distance thing work because he loved Mike and he knew Mike loved him. So it was settled, Will was going to try this, even though the odds were stacked against him, but he was going to defy the odds.

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