Season 5- Chapter 6: Square One (Troy's POV

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Troy was finally advancing, he felt strong. He felt like he was finally getting past all the traumatic events in his past, then he died, and he came back, and now he felt like everything started back over again like he was back to square one.

Troy felt like a burden to the people around him. He had no feeling in his lower body and his upper body still felt as if it was numb. He needed help with every basic activity. Eating, getting dressed although Dustin loved helping him with that, moving around, drinking, and even typing. He wished he could just regain those abilities he somehow lost when he died.

"Okay, so you need to go to physical therapy after school?" Dustin asked and Troy nodded. "I'm sorry," Troy said and Dustin looked down at him. "What do you mean?" Dustin asked and he exhaled. "Look at me, I mean I can't do anything for myself, it's just like you have your own life, and I need help with everything," Troy said and Dustin smiled. "It's okay Troy, I promise, I can handle it," Dustin said and he sighed. "You sure?" Troy asked and Dustin nodded. "I'm positive," Dustin said and Troy nodded. He still felt like Dustin was lying and he just couldn't shake that.

When they got to class, Troy saw a familiar face, one he hoped he'd never have to see again. He saw Jake, one of the four who brought terror to him and his friends. He looked up at Dustin and he had the same look Troy did. Both had a look mixed with confusion, fear, and anger. He then looked back at Jake and they exchanged a look, Jake looked at Troy kind of compassionately whilst Troy looked at Jake with resentment. "Troy, you're next to Jake," the teacher said and his heart almost stopped, but it wouldn't be the first time. "Wait what?!" He asked, causing the rest of the class to look at him. He exhaled and abided, Dustin moved him next to Jake.

"Hey been a while huh?" Jake whispered and Troy side-eyed him. "Shut the fuck up," Troy whispered and Jake was kind of taken aback. "Okay harsh," Jake said, and then Troy inched closer to him. "Fuck you, Jake, kinda mad I didn't kill you then," he said and Jake was hurt by this. "But," Jake said and he glared at him. "Thought I told you to shut the fuck up," Troy said and he obeyed him. Jake snuck some glances at Troy and saw his state and yeah, he felt horrible.

At the end of class, Troy couldn't wait for Dustin because he wanted to get away from Jake as fast as possible, even though his hands were stiff. He couldn't tell if his hands were on the wheels or not and he was going fast. "Troy come on!" Jake yelled. "Fuck yo" before he could finish he fell, face first on the ground. He missed the step in front of him and boom, why the hell there was a step right there? Who the hell knows? Jake tried to help him but he glared at him. "Don't you dare touch me, asshole! You're part of the reason I'm like this now! Fuck just go die somewhere!" Troy yelled and Jake stood back up. They locked eyes and Troy could notice tears forming in Jake's. Jake then ran away crying and Troy looked around to see most people staring at him but he shook it off. Max, Mike, Dustin, Will, and El then came to help him.

"It's a long ass story, to cut it short, I'm never going off alone again," Troy said and Dustin chuckled. "So he tried talking to you?" Dustin asked and then Troy gave Dustin a guilty look. "I told him to go die somewhere," Troy said and Dustin put a hand over his mouth. "Listen, I know I'm wrong, fuck what if he does," Troy said and Dustin shook his head. "The things you do, amaze me," Dustin said and Troy smiled. "I'll go talk to Jake if he lives in the same place, I'll reassure him, but I'll make sure he stays away from us," Dustin said and Troy nodded. "Okay, let's get you to therapy," Dustin said and Triy eyed him. "Uhm physical therapy, don't make me sound mentally ill," Troy said and Dustin giggled.

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