Season 5- Chapter 12: Anniversary (Wills POV

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Will had been counting the days til his 3rd anniversary with Mike. He couldn't hide his excitement and tomorrow was the day.

He got home from buying the gifts he'd prepared for Mike but he had one more that wasn't complete yet, and that was his painting. He'd been working on one for Mike for the past week and he's put his full effort into it. So when he was done and he looked at it, he was nothing but impressed. The detail of it was simply emaculate, every last one was on point. He smiled to himself, admiring the painting. He then turned around to look at the other gifts he had for Mike and wondered if it was too much. He shrugged and thought it was just enough.

The two weren't going to school tomorrow, because it was Monday, and who the hell wants to go to school on their anniversary? He was kind of scared that Mike might've forgotten their anniversary considering he didn't get a text but he was surprised when Mike knocked on the door. He answered Mike was in a suit, which was probably expensive as hell, and both of his hands had gift bags in them. "Hey," Mike said compassionately and Will smirked then looked at him up and down. "Hey," Will said sweetly. "Think I've seen you around somewhere," Mike said and Will shrugged. "I usually hang around these parts," Will said, then letting Mike inside the house.

"How much did that cost," Will said, eyeing his suit, and he smirked, "don't worry about that, so I have plans, we can either watch these three movies you've been wanting to watch or, we can go to Disneyland," he said and Will smiled. "I've always wanted to hug Mickey Mouse," Will said and Mike smiled. "Well today, that's going to happen," he said and the two left the house. 

They had a ton of fun at Disney world and it took up most of the day so they decided they would just watch the movies after their dinner. They were going to this fancy, expensive, place that Joyce recommended. This is also where Mike was planning to propose to Will.

They got to the place and Will kind of felt underdressed. He looked around and saw most people dressed fancy as if they had all the money in the world and had no problem spending it. "Hey, love, over here," Mike said and he was snapped out of his daze.

They sat down at the table and Will looked at the menu surprised. "Holy, Mike, the lowest-priced thing on this entire menu still cost 30$," he said and Mike looked up and shrugged. "I don't see an issue," Mike said and Will brushed his hand through his hair. "Get whatever, I'll pay, it's fine," Mike said and Will nodded and looked back down at the menu. Having Mike pay for this overpriced food didn't sit right with him, but he couldn't do anything about it, Mike was kind of stubborn, and trying to fight against that would be pointless. He just decided to settle with some pasta because it didn't cost as much as the rest of the stuff.

After they were finished ordering their food, they decided to exchange their gifts. Mike thought that a proposal at a restaurant was a little too basic and decided to do it later. Will was tired from all the events of the day but there was still more to come considering it was only 7 o'clock. After the two finished, they headed back home. Both liked their gifts and Mike personally loved the painting. He wanted to hang it up as soon as he got home but he still had things to do, important things, and he settled on proposing back at Will's house. Joyce had everything planned and their friends would be there too, like a party.

When they walked inside the lights were glowing between purple and pink, two of Will's favorite colors. He looked up and saw balloons that covered the entire ceiling, with no blank spot in sight. He walked to the kitchen and saw many of his favorite snacks there as well, and his favorite drinks were there too. All of his friends were there too including Nancy, Robin, Eddie, and Steve. "What the" Will said and Mike smiled and placed both of his hands on Will's hips and then his head on Will's shoulder. "How'd you do it?" Will asked. "I had a little help," Mike said and Joyce smiled over at them. "Why the hell are you both late to your party?" Max said and Will chuckled. "This is a surprise for me so I didn't expect it," Will said and that's when Mike nodded toward Joyce and she nodded back. She then took out her phone to send a text to everyone there and they all looked and then made a circle around both Mike and Will. Will was confused.

"William Byers, I've been lucky enough to be your boyfriend for the past 3 years but I'm hoping that can change," Mike said and Will was shocked. "I've loved every moment that we've had together and I want to enjoy more down the road, which is why I know exactly what I want and I'm hoping you do as well," he said and Will looked around at everyone else who looked excited. When he looked back at Mike, he was on one knee, Will put both of his hands over his mouth and shook his head subtly. "Will, my love, will you marry me?" Mike asked.

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