Season 5-Chapter 23: Wheeler (Mike's POV

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Max convinced Mike to let Karen redeem herself. He was talking to her about the proposal but he still didn't trust her enough to go, he also didn't trust her enough to tell her anything, so after the proposal, they stopped talking.

Mike knocked on Karen's door, and the house brought back so many memories, some good, some bad. He froze when he first approached it and it took him back to that day, that horrible day when they kicked him out of the house. He almost turned around and left when Karen opened the door. "Hey, Mike," Karen said and Mike turned around to face her. "Max had been begging for me to talk to you, so here I am, let's clear the atmosphere," Mike said and Karen nodded, moving to allow him to enter the home. "Oh, I'm allowed to go inside now? Wow," he said sarcastically, as he walked inside.

He sat down on the couch, and Karen sat across from him. "I'm glad you came," she said and he fake smiled and nodded. "I know I haven't been the best mother," she began and he scoffed. "Yeah, far from it," Mike said and Karen cleared her throat. "I understand if you'd be upset with me," she said and Mike gave her a cold stare. "Why wouldn't I be Karen? You kick me out of this house and three magical years later you want to be a part of my life? That's not how this shit works! You don't get to disown me and try to re-adopt me, you had a problem with me being gay then so why the hell wouldn't you have a problem now!" He stated and Karen looked down. "You're right, I can't disown you and re-adopt you, but I want a relationship with my only son, and because we have no relationship, I don't have a relationship with Holly or Nancy either," she said and Mike smiled and smacked his teeth. "There it is, it isn't about me, you don't give two fucks about me, it's about Holly and Nancy, those are the two you want a relationship with," he said and she shook her head. "Don't lie to me Karen, you know damn well, why'd I let Max talk me into this, I should've known that it was a bad idea. Karen, never talk to me again, for both our sakes." He said, walking out of the house.

He turned back around to get a good look at the house that he'd probably never see again, at least he hoped he wouldn't. "I'm going to be a better parent, better than those two ever were," he said to himself. He got in his car and was about to drive away when Karen rushed outside. "Mike please!" She yelled and he stopped and rolled down the window. "I thought I said," he began and she shushed him. "Listen to me, I've been going to PFLAG meetings for a while to help me come to terms with you, I'm trying Mike, I really want to try," she said and he scoffed. "You took too long," he said, putting his windows back up. He drove away leaving Karen to watch.

Mike drove over to Will's house to tell him what happened. Surely, Will would provide a source of comfort. Will was the main one against the idea of Mike talking to Karen, to begin with, but soon, his opinions would change as well.

"You want me to what?" Mike said, shocked. "I didn't want to repair things with my dad too, but everyone deserves forgiveness, and she's trying for you, Mike," he said and Mike sat down. "I love you, and I promise you, you're going to feel so much better when you clear things," he said and Mike nodded. "Okay, you're normally right, I'll talk to her," he said and Will smiled.

Mike showed back up to the house, after all, it was better to patch things up before it was too late. "Okay, you wanna talk? Let's talk," Mike said and Karen smiled. "One last chance, just one, I'm begging you," Karen said and Mike exhaled and looked down, then back up again. "One chance, you blow it and you're cut off," Mike said and Karen smiled, about to hug him. "We aren't there yet," Mike said and Karen nodded and out out one hand and Mike shook her hand.

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