Season 1-Chapter 20: Found(Mikes POV

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Mike was genuinely resentful of his parents even before they found out his -not so secret-secret but now he didn't resent them he just hated them. He hated hiw they would give up their children just because of who they are, he hated how Ted looked at him when he walked into the house, he hated how Karen couldn't even look at him. He really truly wished for the worst for them. But at the same time those were his parents and unlike them he would always love them. Even if they stopped loving him.

Mike nearly passed out from starvation when he saw a glance of someone, it was Will who came to save him. Before long Mike was conscious and staring into Wills eyes. Will was worried like so worried and he hugged Mike tightly and Mike hugged him back and Mike started crying. He was disowned and almost died in the span of 2 days. "Are you-okay?" Will asked in between sniffles. Mike then realized right there that people did care about him and that even though they weren't blood, they were family. "Yeah I should be fine, just hungry," Mike said and Will held his hand as they left the forest. Turns out there was a way to leave, Mike was just being slow. "If you ever and I mean ever pull some dumb sh*t like this again I'll personally kill you myself," Will said straightforward and Mike nodded. "And your staying with me and no you don't get to decide," he said and Mike sort of liked this commanding style of Will. But he just couldn't be happy right now, his parents stabbed him too deep and that would take a ling time to heal. "See I told you he might be there," Lonnie said and Mike was confused. How would he know? But he decided not to question it, he wasn't in the mood. "Mikey" Holly said running out the house and hugging him and he hugged her back. Then Karen and Ted walked out the house and that's when they locked eyes. Mike almost broke down seeing those two but didn't. They didn't care about him, not one bit.

When he arrived at Wills house with his bags he absolutely loved the way it looked, it was stunning. "Look you can share a room with Will but listen," he said grabbing Mike's arm "try anything and your life is wraps," he said sounding protective. "Stop it your scaring him," Will said and Lonnie ket go but let Mike know, his eyes were on him. Mike was a little bit frightened but went upstairs to Wills room. "So they really kicked you out, I'll kill them" WIill said and Mike smirked. He just couldn't shake was his dad said to him, that specific slur echoing through his head f*g, f*g, f*g was all he could think about. "Come downstairs we have pizza," Lonnie said to Mike and he went down while Will unpacked his stuff.

"You know I used to be just like your parents, I used to resent Will so much because of who he is, but I came around so maybe they will," Lonnie said as he was taking out the pizza. "I don't know if I could forgive them for what they said to me, it was so hurtful." Mike said and Lonnie turned. "You don't have to, they're the adults not you, they had no right to kick you out, your just a kid," Lonnie said putting the pizza in the microwave. Mike smiled at this "yeah your right, I wonder how you used to be," Mike said honestly surprised that Lonnie could of been so horrible. "I used to a horrible dad, absolutely disgusting, and I hate myself everyday for letting myself go like that," Lonnie said handing Mike the plate of pizza. "You can have the whole box kid, if you want it, I'll be right back," Lonnie said walking upstairs. And Mike sure did eat the entire box.

For dinner that night they just had subway and talked. Lonnie was actually really nice and just lovely to be around. They laughed and joked around. And mike kind of resented this. How will got the good family and he got the bad one but he shook it away. It was just the process of selection. And so they had a really good time then they went upstairs where he and Will watched some movies. That's when his phone began to ring. It was a call from Karen, he didn't want to answer, but did anyway. "What could you possibly want you have until the advertisements are over," he said. "Look I'm sorry about earlier but we are ready for you to come back as long as you don't do anything gay," she said and Mike scoffed. "So I can't come back if I don't be myself oh sure sounds so nice. Fck you and fck Ted, both of you can go to h*ll!" Mike yelled to Karen and hung up the phone. He felt proud of himself and Will was too, they watched movies for the rest of the night.

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