Season 2-Chapter 14: Checkmate (Mikes POV

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Mike decided to listen to what Will said, become most of the time he was right. And so he made his way over to his moms, to talk to her and get what both sides obviously needed.

"You came back," Karen said letting Mike in. "Not for you this is for me,"he said sitting on the couch. "So what about Ted?" Mike asked and Karen sat across from him. "He dissapeared, just vanished, I woke up and he was gone," Karen said and Mike looked to the side. "Well, I don't really care about him anyways," Mike said looking to his right. "Yeah obviously you don't care, your kinda ungrateful you know?" Karen said and Mike looked at her with wide eyes. "Oh so your allowed to change how you feel about me in a second but I can't?" He said and Karen looked into his eyes. "I am your mother-," she began to say, "ah, actually you only have two kids, Nancy and Holly, you've never heard of Mike," he said looking into her eyes. "Oh don't use my own words against me-," she began to say, "you know what Karen, your still the same old b*tch that raised me. Go to h*ll," he said about to walk out the house, that was until Holly came downstairs. "Holly, back upstairs," Karen said and Holly ignored her and continued to walk towards Mike. Karen slapped Holly, "Listen to me-," she began to say. "Oh don't you ever, and I mean ever, put your hands on her. You can hit me, you can kill me, but touch Holly again, and you'll catch your ride to h*ll early." He said and Karen turned to look at him. Holly then ran to him and he hugged her. "Take me with you," Holly said and Mike looked at Karen. "Maybe I can," he said.

"Will, I don't know if ill be able to win. She's a grown adult and I'm 16 for fcks sake. Obviously they would pick the mother, why wouldn't they pick the mother. I have all this evidence but what if she convinces Holly to lie for her, what if I lose the case, what if-" Mike rambled. "Mike," Will said and Mike turned to look at him. "Your going to win, that piece of sh*t is most definitely not a good parent." Will said smiling and Mike smiled back. "Okay I got this," he said and Will smiled "damn right you do," he said and Mike put on his suit. It was court day, and it was time to go against his own mother, so he coukd take care of Holly from now on. The two were inseparable anyways.

He walked in and saw Karen and her lawyer and the lawyer looked like he was pretty cheap, Mike's wasn't. Mike's lawyer was the best in Hawkins and thanks to Lonnie, he had an even higher chance. "We are here for the case of Mike vs Karen, let's begin, we are going to start with the defendant," she said looking at Karen. "Well Holly is my daughter and the only reason Mike wants to take her is because he dosent like me, and so I have photos with my daughter and we are obviously having a good time," Karen said handing the guard the photos so he coukd hand it to the judge. "Okay plantiff, speak," the judge said looking at Mike. "Karen is a horrible Mother, I have videos here from the camera we had at the house, of what she said to me." He played the videos and Karen looked stunned. "As you can see in video number 2 Karen I'd banning me from seeing Holly, you can see how this makes her visibly upset." He said pausing to show how Holly looked. "And in this last video, Karen brutally slaps Holly across the face making her fall down." Mike said showing that video. "Also if you would bring Holly I'm here, she would definitely choose me," he said with confidence and Karen glared at him.

After that long coirt case, Mike won due to lack of evidence from Karen. He was so happy and nearly jumped woth excitement. The only things was that Lonnie and Joyce had to help him as well and they agreed. Mike finally accomplished something huge. And he was so proud of himself. "Congratulations," Will said smiling at him and Mike ran up to him and kissed him, long. "It was never that serious," Max said and he scoffed hugging her and el. "Nice man," Lucas said and he hugged him. "That's a big deal," Troy said and he hugged Troy and Dustin. "I'm not calling you dad or anything," Holly said and Mike smiled. "You don't have to even if legally, I am your dad," Mike said smiling. And Holly smiled at him. He then walked up to Karen, "checkmate love," Mike said smirking. "Kill yourself you gay ass b*tch," Karen said and Mike smiled. "I'm so happy that your so mad," Mike said smiling and Karen walked away. He smiled to himself, he finally won.

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