Season 5-Chapter 17: Thanksgiving (Will's POV

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Will was still extremely hurt by Mike's lies. Truth was, he wanted to marry Mike, he really did, but what if it was too soon. They would spend 4 years apart and Will wasn't completely sure if he trusted Mike, considering he just lied to him, and here came a difficult decision.

"Hey Will," Joyce said and he smiled at her. "Hey," he said back, looking at all the food sheets preparing. "Do you need help?" He asked and she shook her head. "No it's fine, Jon's helping," Joyce said and he nodded. Johnathan then walked back inside, holding tons of bags. "Uhm that's a lot of food for four people," he said and Joyce smirked. "I'm throwing a little party, invited your friends, Jon's friends, and their families," she said and his heart stopped. "Wait so Mike's coming?" He asked and she nodded. "Great," he said fake smiling, he then walked back upstairs into his room.

It has been about a month since he last talked to Mike. He kind of hoped Mike would text or call him to apologize but Mike never did. It seemed like Mike moved on pretty easy.

About an hour later, people started to arrive. Will was in charge of opening the door as Joyce and Jonathan were placing the food and Holly was pouring some drinks. "Hey Max," he said hugging her and she walked over to the couch. After she arrived, Mike then came as well. They exchanged a look mixed with sadness, resentment, and love. "Uhm, over there," he said trying to avoid Mike's face. Mike then went over to the couch,noticing Will's ring wasn't on his finger.

After everyone arrived, the little party began. And Mike decided that now would be the perfect time for him and Will to talk.

"Hey," Mike said approaching Will and Will didn't respond. "What do you want?" He asked. "We need to talk," Mike said and Will nodded. "We do, but I don't know if I want to," he said and Mike stood next to him. "I'm in the wrong here, and I know that," he said and Will raised an eyebrow. "No shit you're in the wrong," he said turning to look at Mike. "You should've told me, I wouldn't of been mad, I love you too much," he said and Mike shrugged. "I just thought that if I told you,you wouldn't of wanted to get married anymore," he said and Will chuckled. "Nonsense, of course I would've still wanted to," Will said and Mike smiled. "So are we ok?" Mike asked and Will kissed him. "Yeah, we're okay," Will said and Mike smiled.

"Okay, everything's ready, come and get what you want but not too much," Joyce said and everyone nodded. Will and Mike then met up with El, Max, Troy, and Dustin.

"Oh you two finally back together?" Max asked and Will eyed her. "We never broke up," he said and Max shrugged. "Seemed like you did since you haven't spoken to each other in what 32 days?" Troy asked and Mike shook his head. "It was 32 days, 6 hours, and 31 minutes," Mike said and the rest looked at him. "Of course I was counting," he said as if it was obvious. "Cute," Will said and Mike smiled shyly. "Good to have the group together," Troy said and they nodded. "There's still that missing piece though," El said and Will agreed. "Lucas, that's what we're missing," Will said and Max flinched at his name. "Yeah you're right, it's weird without him," Troy said and Max rolled her eyes. "Can we not talk about him?" Max asked and they were taken aback. "Please," Max said and they nodded.

After the Thanksgiving party, Will was beat. He laid down on his bed thinking about his future with Mike. He wasn't sure if they'd be able to do long-distance for such a long time. Not because one would cheat, but life throws many things at you at random times. And he wasn't sure if the wedding would go as planned either due to all the supernatural shit that's already happened. And bringing all of them to one secluded area could be the perfect time for them to strike. He shook away the negative thoughts and filled them with positive ones. He met his soul mate, and they were going to get married, he smiled to himself and closed his eyes.

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