Season 1-Chapter 11: Return...(Wills POV

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Will was chilling at his house when someone he hoped he would never see again knocked on his door. "Hey kid," his dad said holding a few bags. Joyce walked to the front door and saw him equally surprised. "Nope, get the hell out-" Joyce said pushing him out the house. "He's my kid too, you heard the court, I get him on weekends you ahve him on weekdays" Lonnie said. Joyce couldn't fight this and looked back at Will. "If he tries anything or does anything let me know and I'll murder him," she said and Will nodded but was too busy looming at Lonnie and what he did to him.
The night before Will moved

Lonnie got ahold of Wills computer where he wrote about all the guys he liked and his fantasies. Lonnie was disgusted by this "WHAT THE ACTUAL FCK" Lonnie yelled and stomped up the stairs holding a baseball bat. He was ready to actually kill Will for this. Will jumped after hearing Lonnies screaming and ran to the bathroom with his phone locking the door. Calling 911, he was genuinely scared for his life. When he looked at Lonnie before he ran into the bathroom, it was filled with ahte and rage. He started tearing down the door before Will could press the call button, he dropped the phone. That's when Jonathan came back home, thank God. He snatched the bat from Lonnie hitting him in the stomach with it. And Lonnie stood down because unlike Will, Jonathan would hurt his dad.


When Lonnie came in to hug Will he flinched at this, he was so scared of Lonnie, every single time he looked at him he remembered the time he almost ended Wills life. "Listen about that ngiht-" Lonnie began to say before Will interrupted him "Don't even try to apologize," he said exiting the house. Due to the courtrooms stupid rules he had to go woth Lonnie, the person he was scared of the most. He sat in the passengers seat looking out the window. Lonnie truly wanted to fix things between Will because Will deserved it and he missed his family. "Want to get ice-cream?" Lonnie asked hopeful. Will turned to look at him directly in the eye, "wow your going to waste money on me before you kill me?" He said coldly and Lonnie frowned. "Will I would n-" he began to say onky to be interrupted again "shut up," Will said coldly, Will hated Lonnie with a passion. "Please let me speak," he said and Will turned to listen. "About that night, something came over me and I would've hurt you if Jonathan wasn't there, but I'm different now I've been going to Alchoholics Anonymous, I have a good job, I've been getting my life back on track," he said. Will still looked at him with ahte, it would take longer than that to get Will to even look at him normally. "So ice-cream," Lonnie said smiling and Will shrugged.

After they got food and ice-cream he took Will back to the hotel he was staying in. "So any new friends maybe even a boyfriend," Lonnie asked and Will was shocked at hiw he was able ti say it so normally. "Yes actually, Max, El, Lucas, and Dustin are my friends. Mieks my boyfriend." He said thinking Lonnie would at least flinch at this statement. "I'm happy for you," he said smiling. "What about you any new girlfriend?" Will asked trying to seem interested. "Nope I've been focusing on gettung my life on track, so you wouldn't hate me anymore. But believe me, you ahve every right" Lonnie said looking down. Will was starting to see a different side to Lonnie, like he was actually sorry for what he did. Will just thought initially he was trying to come back just to hurt them again but he seemed different this time. Will smiled thinking he would finally have a good dad in his life.

"So we are going to have so much fun," Lonnie said taking out a few wrapped up gifts. "Well all three of you blocked my number so I couldn't really find out what you were into nowadays so I hope you like it," he said handing Will 5 different gifts. He was thinking it was going to be some stuff he didn't like but he was surprised when he opened the first one and it was a pink sweater kind of oversized just like he liked it. "Do you like it?" Lonnie asked kind of scared and he nodded "I love it" Will said. He opened the other ones and there was a whole entire movie collection of chucky, he was so excited because he never could find them. He hugged Lonnie suddenly and Lonnie hugged him back and it was so weird, they never hugged. The others were also amazing one being a whole set of products for his skin, hair, etc. Other one being a new journal that he could write in and the other being a computer since Lonnie broke his other one. He was so happy about everything like Lonnie knew him better than he knew himself.

They stayed up watching the chucky movies and Lonnie was up for all of them with Will, they had snacks and Will actually ate a good amount of it. He felt awkwardly comfortable around Lonnie, he couldn't forget what he did but they were slowly starting to make repairs to their father-son dynamic. "Wow, I'm tired that was a lot," Lonnie said smiling at Will, "yeah it was" Will yawned. "I was supposed to be here Friday but flight was delayed so didn't get here till today," Lonnie said. "If you want you can go back with your mother tomorrow, I know what I did was-unforgiveable," he said turning away. Will genuinely wanted to spend some more time with Lonnie. "Well you have me for the weekends so-," he said trying to sound like he was obligated to spend time with Lonnie. "So what do you wanna do tomorrow then?" Lonnie asked Will smiling. "Oh my God I've always wanted to go bowling like the other father and sons," Will said excitedly. "Alright then let's do it but get some sleep ok it's late," Lonnie said pointing to the other room and Will walked over to it laying down in the comfortable bed almsot falling asleep immediately.

When he woke up Lonnie was holding some wafflehouse in his hand "Well I asked your mom what you usually get so I hope she wasn't lying," Lonnie said smiling and Will smiled back. It was so weird to him having Lonnie back in his life but it was even weirder that he liked Lonnie now. He really fixed his life and Will was here for it. "Yep, this is what I get," Will said smiling g eating the food, he was actually eating and not having the feeling to throw it all up. "Oh my God Will your body" Lonnie said and Will got scared remembering how self cautious Lonnie used to make him feel. "It's so beautiful, not a flaw, what do they say on the internet about this something like-period?" Lonnie said and will busted out laughing almsot dropping the food. "What?" Lonnie said confused. "Its-nothing-its just so funny how y-your trying to sound trendy" he said in between laughs. "Well excuse me," he said rolling his eyes. They were bonding having a good time, laughing together for the first time in forever.

When they got to the booking alley, Will looked around feeling awkward because he never bowled before. Lonnie put his hand on Wills shoulder this time he didn't flinch. "Don't worry we are both going to suck," he said smiling and they got their bowling balls ready to play. And they did in fact suck but they were having so much fun together. Drinking the sprites Lonnie had bought and laughing at each other every time they got a gutter. They were so happy smiling, laughing, joking around. This was new to the both of them but Will didn't mind it at all. "Oh my God you suck," Will said and Lonnie glared at him playfully. "And your better?" Lonnie said and Will shut his mouth then they both started to laugh. Thatw as until they ran out of time. "Well what do you wanna do next then?" Lonnie asked and there was something ekse he wanted to do with his dad all of his life, Shopping. "Can we go shopping?" He asked and Lonnie nodded. "But don't have me in there all day like Joyce used to do," he said smiling and Will smiled back.

When they got there, Will hurried inside. "Listen there isn't a budget and get whatever you want I don't care do your own style," Lonnie said and Will kind of looked surprised but smiled "thanks," he said. "What are dads for," he smiled and they walked inside. Will ended up getting more ripped jeans, pink shirt, a shirt with a little daisy on it. Even some headphones and on top of that he got the newest phone. "Okay woah I know is said no budget-but 2000$ damn that phone and those headphones are expensive as fck," Lonnie said swiping his card. Lonnie carried most of the stuff.

"Well I have to take you back to your mother and holy sh*t she's going ti be mad at me," he said. Will couldn't help but be sad he really liked all this time he spent with Lonnie but what could he do. When Joyce opened the door and saw all the bags and the brand new phone and headphones he was holding, she was in shock. "Where'd you get all this money," she asked Lonnie. "Uhm I have unlimited money when it coins to my kids," he said smirking and Joyce giggled a little. "Well take your stuff upstairs, I'm going to talk with your dad," she said to Will. When he got everything settled, Joyce walked upstairs to ask him a question. "How would you feel about Lonnie living with us again?" She asked and Will turned excitedly "H*ll yeah" he said and Joyce gave him a angry look because of his language but excuse it.

So he walked downstairs wearing the pink sweater and wearing the white ripped jeans he got from Lonnie and there he saw Lonnie making breakfast as Joyce went to work early. "Oh hey kid, uhm I can drive you to school if you want and you look so good in that," he said and Will smiled to himself "yeah sure I'd like that," he said smiling. He ate the food and they made their way too school talking the entire way. Lonnie wasn't like a dad to Will but a friend maybe even a bestfriend. "See you later dad," Will said and Lonnie smiled to himself "Yep see you later son."

He quickly ran into Mike and they held hands. "So your dad's back? Is he good now?" Mike asked and Will smiled. "Yes he actually bought me this whole outfit, these rings, this phone, and these headphones. "Oh , damn, well you do rock that entire outfit," Mike said smiling. That's when they crossed max in the hallway, "Hey," she said taking off her headphones to walk with them. "What'd I miss and damn Will where'd you get the money for that phone?" Max asked him, "My dad came back and bought it for me, he's so much better now," he said. "Oh well thats good," she said as they walked into their classroom.

Longer than the rest of my chapters but I hope I can write all my chapters to be this long Ily all have a good night/day whatever time it is for you right now 💗

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