Season 4-Chapter 2: Split (Mike's POV

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Mike missed Will deeply but what could he do if Will decided not to talk to him. They were split and there was a chance they wouldn't reconnect. He tried talking to Will many times but Will always pushed him away not wanting Mike near him. It was time that he moved on and he realized this.

"And I go to his house every single goddamn day like I'm so desperate," Mike said while El and Max sat there. "You've been rambling for the past hour," Max said and El chuckled. "It's just like what am i supposed to do, he hates me," Mike said sitting inbetween Max and El and the two girls looked at each other. "What?" Mike said and they smiled. "It's time for a makeover," Max said and Mike looked confused. The girls put their arms around both of Mike's. "Get some money we are about to shop till we drop," El said and Mike grabbed his wallet.

The three walked inside the huge mall. "You look like the type to wear a leather jacket," El said grabbing a few. They continued to shop as if time was frozen. Mike now knew why they liked to shop so much, if was so fun finding something new. The walked up to the case register with a cart full of clothes. "Jesus of course yall want to do this to me," Robin said scanning the clothes. After about twenty minutes all the clothes were scanned and they were ready to head back but out of the corned of his eye he saw Will hanging out with someone he's never seen before. They were laughing having a good time and he also saw that their hands were locked, "it's not worth it," El said but he walked over to them.

"So a year and two months meant nothing?" Mike asked looking at Will and Will looked at him. "Well we aren't friends so why do you care?" Will asked and he was shocked. "What happened to the group?" Mike asked and Will shrugged. "It's not really a group anymore I mean think about it, I don't talk to any of you anymore. El and Max only talk to each other and you. Troy talks to Dustin and Lucas now I mean think about it Mike, there is no group," Will said and Mike thought to himself. Will was right, ever since the events of a few months ago everyone did their own thing splitting the old group they had into sections forming different groups within the bigger one. "So this is it we just aren't friends anymore?" Mike asked and Will nodded. "People change,  I've changed that's all it is," Will said and Mike walked away ending everything they once had.

"We should get the group back together," Mike said and the two girls looked at him. "We are split but we've been through so much together. I've known you three, Lucas, Dustin, and Troy since the 2nd grade." He said and El looked at him. "I do miss doing stuff together, the six of us," El said and Max nodded. "Sure let's get back together than I'll call a group meeting," Max said texting the group chat that Will previously left. And they planned to meet around seven o'clock.

They met at the park that they used to meet up at. "Hey been a while," Dustin said smiling and they smiled back. "Where's Will?" Lucas asked and Mike looked at him. "Will dosent want to be friends with us anymore and he decided to split from the group," Mike said and Lucas nodded. "Well what's wrong?" Troy asked and Mike looked at him. "We split apart for a long time and I think it's about time to bring the group back together," Mike said and Troy nodded.

The group walked into a Starbucks wearing a shirt that said LEMMDT. It didn't really make sense but to them it did, it was a little inside jock the group had and the time they spent apart just made them even closer when they were brought back together. "Hello what would you like today?" Will asked trying to ignore that these used to be his friends. "Oh yes Mr. Byers we would all like a frappe," Mike said and Will looked at their shirts. "What lemmdt mean?" He asked and Mike smiled at him. "Well there's me, Max, Lucas, Troy, Dustin, and El in the group so it's like a name for the group," he said smiling and Will kept a straight face. "Cringe but ok," he said going ti make their frappes. "He seemed jealous," El said and Mike nodded. "We tried to be his friend but he just let go of the bond we all had so he should feel bad," Mike said.

The group of six were walking when they saw Karen who was now out of jail. "Oh hey future students," she said and Mike eyed her. "Oh yeah sorry I got a job as your new principal since Murray unfortunately passed,"Karen said and Mike's jaw dropped. "You can't be serious," he said and Karen smiled. "I am very serious Mike, I'll see you all in my school in about three months," she said passing them and Mike watched her walk away wondering how she even got accepted in since she had a criminal record. They continued to walk Mike wondering if what he did to Will was tok harsh but he had nothing to apologize for he thought. Will did say the worst things he ever heard and then completely ghosted him blocking him everywhere and avoiding him. Then on top of that he moved on from Mike fast and Mike was still left processing what was going on. He wanted to be with Will, he loved him deeply but Will clearly didn't want him, at least that's how he felt.

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