Season 3-Chapter 17: 72 Hours Missing (Maxs POV

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Max went to investigate the room, no pnes been here since her death. But she looked around and there it was, four different coordinates to four different places, the group needed to know.

"Okay so there's seven of us now, we add Lucas, Dustin, Will, Mike, Troy, Joyce, Hopper, how many is that," she asked and Eddie looked at her. "That would be fourteen," he said and Max looked back at the coordinates. "I think I have a few more people in mind," she said smirking.

"Okay Lonnie hear me out there's a chance El is at one of these four coordinates and we need to make sure everyone has a big enough group so if there is danger, we cam fight it," Max said and Lonnie eyed her. "I have a friend, Murray, he could help," Lonnie said and Max nodded.

"Okay so Will, Lonnie, Joyce, and Jonathan, your checking out this place. Mike, Nancy, Dustin, and Robin, check out here. Troy, Steve, Eddie, and Argyle check out here. Lucas, Murray, Hopper, your with me." Max said and everyone nodded and they all separated to investigate their own places.

"Ok Max, I don't know if this place is very, secure," Lucas said and Max rolled her eyes. "If there's even the slightest chance El is alive in this place I'm taking it," Max said kicking at a door. "I agree we need to find El," Hopper said looking around the run down house. "Why did I agree to this," Murray said and Max turned to him. "El was like your favorite student, of course you'd want to save her," Max said and Murray shrugged. "Of course but this place, it gives me bad vibes," he said and Max rolled her eyes. "Both of you need to stop complaining and just look around," Max said and Murray and Lucas nodded.

They continued to look around and the place just looked abandoned. "Listen I don't think she's here, maybe she's in one of the other places," Hopper said and Max glared at him. "Maybe there's a secret passageway somewhere," she said trying to move stuff from off the floor. "Max-" Murray began to say and she gave him a death stare. "Look for a secret passageway," she said teeth clenched and the three nodded and started looking. Max thought that this place was marked for a reason and she was going to find out that reason. And she was right.

They found a door on the floor. "Told you," Max said and then she opened it and it led to an underground base. "Jackpot," Hopper said and Max smiled. "Let's go," she said and the four walked down the stairs.

They got down and it was dark and there didn't seem to be any type of lighting they could use. She turned on her flashlight and there was a figure dressed in the T-11 uniform. "Why are you here Maxine?" The deep gravely voice asked and she was silent. The figure dissapeared and reappeared holding Murray by a knife to his throat. "Get the fuck out," he said and she put her hands up. "Let him go, you don't have to do this," she said and Hopper and Lucas came down the stairs and stood beside Max. "I'll kill him! Like hoe we killed your friend," the person said and Max looked confused. "We?-" She asked herself and her eyes went wide. There were different locations because there were different enemies. Different figures, "Your not the only one," she stated and it nodded before putting the knife closer to Murray's neck. "No! Leave him alone!" Max said and the figure looked at her. "You should've never cane here," it said before slicing Murray's neck open. "No!," she yelled and she glared at the figure. "Your done!" She said and the figure dissapeared and she walked over to Murray. Blood was coming out of his throat and he was struggling to breathe. "Pass-your class-es-ma-max," he struggled to say and she nodded. "Yeah of course Principal Bauman," she said smiling and then he died. "We will get revenge on whoever that was," Max said standing up with her hands covered in blood and the other two nodded.

The three looked around for the figure and they needed information and Max was dying to know who it was. They continued searching but whoever this person was, they were damn good at hiding. That was until the figure jumped out and held Max with a knife to her throat like it did with Murray. "I don't want to hurt you Maxine," it said and Max looked confused. "No one's ever called me Maxine aside from-holy shit," she said coming to a realization. She bit the figures arm and escaped his grasp and picked up the knife he dropped. "I knew you weren't dead, I never saw the body," she said and Lucas and Hopper were confused. "Show yourself, dad," she said and the figure took off its mask revealing Max's father. "Hey, it's been awhile pops," she said and he looked at her. "I didn't want to-she forced me," he said and Max looked at him, "who forced you?" She asked and his mouth opened but he closed it back again and attacked Max. Hopper picked up the knife and stabbed him in the back. Max pushed him off of her. "Dammit," she said looking at where he stabbed him, maybe a little bit to the left and he would live this but sadly he wouldn't. "Well at least I can get some form of closure from this," she said looking at her dad and he looked at her. "I missed you Maxine," he said and she smiled. "You know it's Max," she said and then she hugged him. "The beautiful young lady you've become," he said and she started tearing up. "I'll have to grieve you all over again," she said releasing from the hug wiping the tears from her face. "I love you," he said and she smiled "I love you too," she said and then he slowly passed away. She got up, "well El isn't here so she must he in one of the other places," she said and the two nodded.

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