Season 5-Chapter 1: Coma

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Troy woke up in a dark place, wondering how he was even waking up, to begin with. For some reason, he could see. He looked at his hands and around the place confused.

He walked around and then he saw fog and so he thought that maybe he should walk towards that and so he did. He walked over to it, and when he went through it, he was no longer in his own body. He was in '. He was able to see through Vecna's eyes, and with what he was seeing, he was scared for everyone else.

The first thing the group felt like they had to do was to close the portal to stop the monsters from bleeding into their world. "We can keep trying to kill the monsters, which would mean nothing or we can stop those beams," El said, and Mike looked at everyone. "Split up, and let's go to different beams and close it," Mike said, and they naturally split up.

El, Nancy, and Eddie walked up to the portal, and El began trying to use the rowers to destroy the portal. "Ah ah ah," T-11 said, using her powers to blast El away from the mini-portal that was about to break. "Everything is already about to end, and we will enjoy every last minute of it," T-11 said, and El used her powers to push her into the portal, causing it to go unstable, T-11 then disappeared The portal was starting to become unstable as it was going to explode. "Run!" El yelled, and she grabbed both of them and jumped out of the window just in time, and then the top of the house exploded, causing one of the portals now to be destroyed.

"Damn El you did that," Eddie said and she smiled, "all I know is we need to stop them and get Troy back as fast as possible," she said looking at the other three beams that connected to make the giant portal. "Let's go to portal b2," El said, pointing at the closest beam to them, and they nodded.

Troy felt as if he was a ghost locked in a prison. It was as if he was in Vecna's mind, and he saw thoughts and memories inside of it, and he started to get curious. He walked through the sequence, and he saw something that looked interesting. He walked over to it, and it was the plan Vecna had, and he was almost complete with it. He had to try and somehow tell the group what the plan was, but he couldn't. He was stuck looking at what was about to be the end of Hawkins and the world as they knew it.

"Okay, so all we have to do is blow the portal up easy and simple," Mike said, and Will eyed him, "is it that simple?" He asked, and Max chuckled. "Oh whatever, just take this part out. Throw the grenade at the same time, then we leave," Mike said, and they nodded. They entered the house and looked at the portal and were about to throw their grenades. "Ah ah ah," T-11 said, making a barrier between the portal and them, and she smirked at them. The three eyed her, "we will win" Mike said and she chuckled, "you've already lost" she said then creating a ball of darkness and shot it at him, nearly hitting him. He dodged the orb barely and fell. "I love how you want to stop what is already over and done with, phase 1, 2, and 3 of our plan are already underway," she said and Max took out a gun, "you're the reason why everyone's dying, you brought him here," Max said and T-11 snickered, "damn right I did," she said and Max shot at her but she disappeared once again and reappeared behind them. She then used her powers to push the three into the black wall she created. The three then fell after the impact, "without Eleven you will lose again," she said smiling and Max shot her fast enough before she could disappear, this caused her to place one of her hands on her stomach to stop the bleeding. "You fucked up," she said lifting max into the air, she then created a ball of darkness and shot it straight into her stomach causing her to yelp. Max fell and passed out from the hit and Will held her, "you're crazy," Mike said and she smirked, "thanks," she said and then she disappeared which also caused the wall to fall.

Mike grabbed the three grenades while Will walked out of the house with Max. He took the pin out and ran out of the house and took cover with the other two and the grenades went off. They turned to see the aftermath, and the portal was destroyed. Max was still passed out and Will was scared for her and Mike turned. "Hey she's going to be okay love," he said and Will looked at him and then at the portal, "your right we need to close this portal and we need to hurry" Will said and he picked up Max and they left the scene.

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