Season 5-Chapter 18: Step Forward (Troy's POV

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In the past month, Troy made significant progress on his body. He was this close to being able to walk properly again without assistance, that also meant he'd be fully operational before school was over.

He woke up the next day. He got ready for school in since Thanksgiving break was over, and he was officially out of the wheelchair. He had enough strength in his lower body and enough in his upper body to move on to crutches. He smiled at himself through the mirror, he was happy for himself, at his progress, he was just happy in general.

He moved himself with the crutches which were beginning to get easier and easier to use and he wondered if maybe he'd forgotten how to walk with all the months that have gone by. He was barely walking now, more so dragging his body with the crutches. He knew that not using something usually meant losing it and it would probably take more physical therapy for him to be able to walk normally once again.

He dragged his body down the hallway using the crutches, which was exercise in itself, and now he could avoid Jake much easier. He forgave Jake, at least that what he told him, but he still didn't want to talk to him, you mever really forget when someone tries to kill you. Except, they had way too many classes together for Troy to avoid him effectively.

He placed his admission about a month ago, and they usually sent the acceptance letters around January to give those who were denied time to choose a different option. Troy was counting down the days and applied to around 10 other colleges just in case he didn't get accepted into this one. Because, he needed to keep his choices broad.

He laid down on his bed thinking about college, and he could see himself there, which was good. He was now awaiting the day that'd he'd get that email to see if he made it, and he really hoped that he did.

Troy's old house was still empty, it was pretty run-down so it was expected that no one would buy it. He walked inside the house and everything important was gone, he sold most of it and threw the rest away. It was now December and it was freezing but he came back, for the memories. He looked at where his table used to be and he imagined his younger self from freshman year, with his mom and dad, eating there, back when they were somewhat happy. He walked into the living room and imagined himself and his dad watching the basketball games there. They would have tons of snacks and just enjoyed themselves. He smiled to himself and turned around, he then imagined him and his mom hanging up decorations for Christmas, and the Christmas tree that had tons of gifts under it. The three were genuinely happy back then but something changed between freshman and sophomore year that just split the three.

He then forgot exactly what brought him here considering he hasn't been back since he moved into Dustin's house which was a long time ago. He then left the house and decided to go over to their graves to talk to them, he knew that they wouldn't be able to hear him, but he needed to anyway.

He sat in front of the gravestones and looked toward them. "I never told you both the most important thing about me before you passed, and I regret that. Well mom, dad, there's something you need to know, well needed to know, about me. You both always asked me who my girlfriend was and when I would ever get a girlfriend, but you should've asked me who my boyfriend was. Yeah, I'm gay, and I wish you both knew that before you passed, but you never did." He said and he looked down, "I've applied to college, to become a film director, which wasn't what you wanted for me but fuck it, you know? I've always wanted to live up to your standards and try and please you but this is my life, not yours, and maybe I was too scared to say it then, but I've said it now. Miss you both always, you weren't the best parents, and maybe I wasn't the best son, but we were a family, and family means forever." He said as he stood up and left the graveyard.

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