Season 3-Chapter 18: 48 Hours Missing (Mikes POV

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Mike was happy he wasn't assigned a group with Will, as they weren't even friends right now, and Mike didn't know if they'd ever be. What Will said, it was like a gunshot to his head and he was hurt almsot dead. He went with Dustin, Nancy, and Robin to check out the second coordinate.

"So what happened between you and Will?" Nancy asked while they were walking and Mike turned. "He-he said some things and it-it hurt me so I you know decided that we should just break up," Mike said and Nance looked at him. "And so you two are done?" Nancy asked and he nodded. "At least for now I mean, I know I love him but right now we need some time apart." Mike said and Nancy nodded. "You both owe me 10," Robin said and they both rolled their eyes, "wait you made a bet?" Mike asked and Dustin nodded. "Robin said you two wouldn't last but the rest of us said you would and now we all owe her 10," he said and Mike chuckled. "Wow the faith you had in us," Mike said and the other three smiled and they continued to walk finally reaching the house.

"Okay so I'm definitely getting bad vibes from this place," Robin said looking at the place. "We need to hurry up and find El so I can go home," Mike said and when he stepped on the first step it broke. "And it's rundown? Jesus," Dustin said hopping over the first step. "Come on we have to do this, for El." Nancy said opening the door. "Why are you so invested," Robin asked and Nancy turned. "I like to investigate," Nancy said turning to go upstairs. "Mike come with me you two investigate down here," Nancy said and Mike went upstairs with Nancy while the two stayed down here.

"So about you and Will-" Nancy said turning to look at Mike. "What about us?" He asked looking under the bed. "Are you sure you don't want to get back with him? I mean I understand what he said but maybe he wasn't in the best state of mind," Nance said and Mike looked at her. "You don't understand Nancy, he said the worst thing I've ever heard from anyone, literally anyone. I can't just forget that," he said and she nodded. "I understand," she said and he went into the old bathroom looking to see if he could find anything. "Uhm your going to want to see this," Robin said standing by the door and they went to go see what she was talking about.

"A secret passageway oooooh," Robin said jokingly and Mike and Nance gave her a serious stare. "What this is all just way too dark, I'm trying to make it better," she said and Nancy kicked down the locked door. "Okay powerful much?" Robin said and Nancy smiled at her, "I try," she said and then he shoved them out of the way and walked down the stairs. He was almost immediately met with a knife thrown at him missing him by a couple of inches. He knocked down one of the tables and his behind it, the others did the same. "Maybe if we  move the table with us we could get close enough to not get immediately injured," Mike said and the three looked at him. "I've seen some movies," Mike said and they started to push the table together. When they looked up the person dissapeared the turned and didn't see him. "Stay together and let's find this motherfucker," Mike said and they nodded. And so they searched.

Matthew was standing there not in costume but why else would he be here? Mike thought to himself. "So you were a spy?" Mike asked and Matthew turned. "Oh hey Mike," he said lighthearted and Mike glared at him. "Where's El?" He asked and Matthew was taken aback. "I don't know how would I know that?" He asked and Nancy, Robin, and Dustin showed up. "You monster why would you spy on us, you destroyed our plans and because of you El could be dead," he said and Matthew smiled. "Welp the gigs up," he said taking out a knife and almost stabbing Mike in his heart but missed, stabbing him in the thigh. He took out the knife and flinched when it came out and stabbed Matthew in the neck. "You shouldn't of attacked," he said trying to stop the blood and Matthew held his hand to try and stop the bleeding. "Thera-," he began to say and then he passed out and was probably dead. "Thera? What?" Robin said and Mike turned to both of his sides. "I have no idea but that has to mean something, right?" He said and the three others nodded.

Nancy ripped the bottom of Mike's shirt off. "What the-im literally wearing a crop top now," he said and Nancy smiled. "Well you look good so be happy for yourself," she said tying the shirt over the wound. "This should work for now but later we need to clean it before it gets infected," Nancy said and Mike nodded. "We should probably go and meet up with the rest and see if they found anything," Robin said and everyone nodded. They got up and got into a car and decided to meet up with everyone else.

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