Season 5- Chapter 3: Showdown Pt. 2

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It was now time, time for the showdown. They were ready to end this and go back to normal but at the same time, they needed to make sure that Troy wasn't lost in the process.

The group walked toward the last portal, not knowing how heavily guarded it was. "They're near," T-11 told Vecna and he nodded. "So the bats are guarding the house?" Vecna asked and T-11 nodded. "We also have the demo dogs guarding the outer area and the demogorgons are guarding the inner area," T-11 said and Vecna smirked. "Time for the final battle," Vecna said and T-11 smiled sinisterly.

The group approached the final portal and they were amazed by how prepared they were and also confused about how they knew. "Who knows how to shoot?" Nancy asked and Mike turned, "most of us do, but I'd say in the best shot," Mike said and Nancy handed him a marksman rifle. "Just shoot the bats so we can get the rest inside, Dustin, Steve, Eddie, Jonathan, you will all take care of the dogs. El those demogorgons are strong so kill enough to get yourself and everyone else inside the house, understood?" Nancy asked and they nodded.

"Okay, easy, just aim in" Nancy began then Mike shot, killing two bats. "Damn okay so you know what you're doing," Nancy said and Mike smiled and nodded. "Okay let's take down some bats," Nancy said, aiming her gun.

Dustin's group quickly took care of the dogs as there weren't many of them but they had to wait for Mike and Nancy to clear out the rest of the bats. They were pretty proficient considering the number of bats and they didn't miss a single shot. They waited and shortly after, all the bats were cleared, this moved the group to the 3rd stage of the plan, getting inside.

El pushed most of the demogorgons back and killed a couple but not many, she wanted to save her energy for the final battle. They walked inside and walls were blocking most of the inside which was built by T-11 to make their jobs hell.

"How the hell can we break these?" Will asked and Mike shrugged. "El, can you maybe destroy them?" Mike asked and El walked over to the wall and channeled her energy to try and break it but she only got a few cracks. "Shit," she said and then Steve started hitting the wall with his bat, Dustin started to stab it a little causing subtle cracks. Nancy and Mike started hitting it with their guns, and Eddie and Jonathan then started hitting it with their weapons. El smiled and then she tried to destroy the wall again, this time she was successful, she wiped the blood dripping from her nose, and she walked up the stairs. The rest of the group followed but they were met with another wall.

After they destroyed the wall, they entered the room where they were met with a trap that locked them all into a cage, all of them aside from Will who stayed back to keep watch.

"Warriors caught in a little mouse trap," T-11 said smirking. "Currently while yall are in here the world is ending," T-11 said. El tried using her powers to get them out but they seemed to be blocked. "Did you think I was stupid?" T-11 asked directed toward El. "Of course, you can't use your powers, dumbass," T-11 said and Mike put one of his hands on the bar. "Watch what the hell you say about my sister," Mike said and El smiled. "What the hell are you going to do?" T-11 asked. "This," Will said striking her in the head with Steve's bat, she dropped to the ground and Will grabbed the remote and released the cage.

"Fuck this," she said about to disappear but El pushed her into a wall. "No your punishment will be much, much worse," El said, continuing to push her into the wall. This caused T-11 to fade away as El continued to push her into the wall, which presumed her dead. But she wasn't gone yet.

El then destroyed the portal which caused the giant portal to then be destroyed, meaning the monsters left were limited. They then went over to the battlefield to finish this, once and for all.

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