Season 1-Chapter 8: Boyfriends (Mike POV

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Mike was really fascinated by Wills presence at all times, he just couldn't get enough of him. And then one day he held his hand and the biggest rush came to his body, all the blood went to his head, he was so happy at this. He got a glance and saw a little smile on Wills face then he wondered if he was awake. But he couldn't let go of his hand it was just so warm and inviting. He actually loved Will he loved his beautiful hazel eyes, his shaggy brunette hair, the way his smile took all of his breath away. He really wanted to be more than friends with Will but didn't know how, and he always thought Will was straight, Mike wasn't the type to assume so that's what he always thought, Until today.
"Hey," Will said to him sitting down smiling. "Hi," he said back to him also smiling. "Uhm wanna hang out just you and me?" Mike asked and Will turned trying to hide his excitement "yes of course," he said smiling. Mike was staring at Will the entire time loving the way he looked and the beautiful daisy fragrance, he really wanted to kiss him then and there but didn't. He stared at Will the entire class period.
He had everything set his parents went out with Holly for something and his sister was off at college, he made everything look so nice and now he just had to wait.
He heard a knock on the door and ran so fast skipping some stairs and almsot falling. "Hey," he said, "Hi," Will said back smiling. He had worn some ripped jeans and a white turtleneck. He looked flawless in a turtleneck and Mike was in awe thinking he looked-hot. Will noticed Mike staring at him, "Do I have something on my shirt?," Will asked and Mike looked away blushing. "Come in," he said moving a little so Will could walk in. Will pushed some of his hair back and looked around in awe. "You made this place look so good," he said looking around at the candles and hos spotless it looked. "I tried," Mike says smiling at Will. "Well there's snacks in the basement and we can watch some movies then eat some spaghetti," Mike says and Will nods.
They watched some horror movies, Will was fascinated trying to guess who was going to die next dn how gruesome it would be, while Mike was genuinely scared of this wondering if he would have nightmares from it. After a few movies later he was getting hungry and so was Will "ready to eat?," he asked Will and Wilk nodded. He wondered why Will wasn't talking much and why he had never seen Will's arms before. But he shook it off and the boys went upstairs to eat. "Oh well uhm I actually ate before I left my house but ill sit with you the candles and the table looks really nice," Will said smiling. Mike was suspicious of this but brushed it off. But then he thought for a minute and he never seen Will eat anymore than an apple a day and that was at lunch. But I mean the lunch is nasty. "I'll be right back I'm going to use the bathroom," Will got up and left. He left his phone and it beeped and mike couldn't help but check it. "Did you like the food there," Joyce texted to Will and Mike was even more confused but didn't want to confront Will about it so once again, he brushed it off.
They were chilling outside watching the sun set and Will snapped a pic. Will loved sunsets and always tried to get a picture when he could. Mike turned to look at Will who was smiling and staring into the sunset, his eyes sparkling, his lips were so kissable. And before he knew it, his own lips locked onto Wills. Will put his arms around Mike's neck and kissed him back. Making Mike feel relieved and they stood there holding this kiss, neither wanting to let go. But Mike was the first one to break it and they stared into each other's eyes, Mike was beginning to get lost in the other boys eyes. "I-Im sorry," he said turning to look forward. "Don't be," Will said holding his hand. He smiled and they looked back at the sunset.
Will stayed over and they cuddled together one of the reasons was because the basement was cold, the other was because they wanted to. When they woke up, Will realized the time. "Shi-my mom's going to kill me," he said hurriedly grabbing his backpack. Mike got up and kissed Will before he left. He thought to himself are we, boyfriends? Bur decided to ask Will himself later.

I'm in school so this took forever to write and I'm so happy I got some viewers on my story I love you all ❤️

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