Season 3-Chapter 20: 0 Hours Missing (Wills POV

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Will wasn't in his best state of mind, he felt horrible for what he said to Mike and he didn't even have the courage to talk to him one on one. Luckily he had his amazing family there so he was fine, at least he thought he was fine.

"You okay bud?" Lonnie asked and he nodded. "It's just-how do I fix things with him?" He asked Lonnie turning to him. "Buy him his favorite stuff and become the sweetest person ever," Lonnie said smirking. "Ha ha very funny but seriously I miss him," Will said and Lonnie turned to look at him. "Apologies and wait for him to come around. If you two don't get back together than what's love," Lonnie said and Will smiled. "Your the best," he said and Lonnie put one hand on Wills shoulder. "No you are," he said smiling and Will smiled back. "I love the whole father-son bonding but we have stuff to do," Joyce said and they nodded walking faster than they once did.

They reached a mansion type of place but it was dark and scary kind of like it was from Hotek Transylvania. "I really have a bad feeling," Lonnie said looking at the large and wide building. "the way this place is, El has to be here," Jonathan said and Will agreed. "Uhm let's split up, I'll go with dad and you go with mom Jonathan," Will said. And they all agreed. "Ok let's cover floor 2," Will said to his dad and he nodded and then they split up.

"Okay so I'm not getting the best vibes from this okace," Lonnie said and Will agreed. "Your right this place is horrible," Will said moving a picture frame to check behind it. "They have to be hiding somewhere secret, they seem smart." Lonnie said and Will agreed. "Let's try and look in places we wouldn't expect," Will said and Lonnie nodded. They searched everywhere they'd least suspect but maybe they were thinking too hard about this. They went downstairs to where Jonathan and Joyce were but they also came down to nothing. They decided to continue to search floor 3 together.

They looked around when they heard a terrifying scream sounding like it was Els voice they quickly tried to follow the screams. This led them to a door where Lonnie kicked it down. They ran up the stairs where they saw a woman dressed in the T-11 costume. This was the same one from the video. This was the prime kidnapper, the first one, the one that wanted them all dead. "Leave her alone!" Joyce yelled to T-11 and that's when she grabbed a pistol. "I suggest you move," she said before shooting a warning shot then the four took cover. "Holy shit," Will said and then he peaked to see where she was and she instantly fired almost hitting him. "Don't peak stay behind cover at all time," Lonnie said to the three and they nodded. Lonnie than grabbed a glass and threw it at her hitting her spot on, he moved to behind the dresser. The three stayed put where they were like Lonnie said. Lonnie then threw a piece of clothing to cover her eyes than tackled her. Will, Joyce, and Jonathan ran over to them but that's when she stabbed Lonnie in the stomach and pushed him off of her. "This is a losing battle, your going to lose and you kightve just gotten a small victory but I promise you, the end is coming," T-11 said and the three looked at her. She suddenly dissapeared and that's when Will heard his dad gasping for air.

"Dad?" Will said bemding over and putting both his hands on the wound. "Will I love you, you know?" Lonnie said blood coming out of his mouth. "I love you too and that's why everything's going to be okay," Will said crying while trying to save Lonnie. Lonnie put his left hand on Wills cheek and wiped away the tears. "Don't cry this is just karma finally getting me," Lonnie said and Will cried even harder. "Please-" he said that being the only things that could roll from his tongue. "Will please your going to break me," he said laying his head back. "One last hug for your good old dad?" Lonnie asked and Will hugged him and Lonnie hugged him back as he died in his arms smiling. Will couldn't breathe, he was crying so hard a migraine was bound to occur. That's when the rest of the group came, Will finally let go of Lonnie, eyes burning red like an ember. He got up sniffling, he turned to see Mike standing there with Joyce and Jonathan while the others were helping El. "Hey, hey, it'll be okay," Mike said hugging Will and Will hugged him back crying, feeling dehydrated like all the water left his body.

"So how's the hospital bed?" Will asked sitting on the chair next to Els bed. "It's good I guess, my body hurts like hell but I'll get through it. How've you been?" El asked and Will shrugged. "Not doing too hot, everything's gone to hell since that day and we don't know where T-11 is or when she'll strike." Will said and El nodded. "It's like we're truly in a horror movie," El said smiling and Will smiled back. "Your in a hospital bed and your joking about the situation?" Will asked and she chuckled. "Thanks for never giving up on me, I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for all of you," El said and Will smiled. "Of course your our friend and we love you," he said smiling and she smiled back.

In the shadows she was still lurking waiting for her moment to strike, the moment to end these kids lives. She smiled to herself, they would never find out who she was and she was hiding in plain sight.

To be continued...

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