Season 3-Chapter 16: 96 Hours Missing (Wills POV

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⚠️ TW: Eating Disorder and SH ⚠️

This whole situation was deeply affecting Will and putting him into a state he hasn't been in for a long time, a state he'd hope he'd never have to be in.

He was in the bathroom looking into the mirror blade to his right. He was shaking uncontrollably, unable to control himself. His teeth chattering against each other and his whole body shivering as if he was in the freezing cold. He tried to regain control of his body without having to force control but it was impossible. He grabbed the blade. "I can't-I don't-w-want to," he said in between breaths. He couldn't do anything other than this to ease himself, or that's what he thought. He then pressed the blade against his right arm and cut himself, flinching a little. His body eased with this, "what have I done?" He asked himself in the mirror not being able to give a clear response. He grabbed a paper towel and cleared the blood off of his arm. "You okay?" Mike asked and Will turned to the door. "I'm fine!," he yelled to him, trying to stop the bleeding on his arm. He lowered his sleeve and left the bathroom.

"Hey haven't seen you eat anything," Lonnie said walking into his room. "Not hungry," he said lowering the volume on his TV. "You need to eat something Will," he said and Will nodded. "Sure I'll  go eat something as soon as I finish this episode," he said and Lonnie eyed him. "Ugh fine I'll go now," he said walking down the stairs. He made one sandwich and maybe he'd be able to keep this down. He ate the entire sandwich but immense guilt overtook him, he felt horrible for it. As soon as he was done he immediately ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. "Idiot," he said to himself and then he started trying to force the food back up to try and throw it up into the toilet. And he was successful throwing it up and then he looked back in the mirror. "Your horrible," he said to himself and he moved his sleeves to look at both of his arms which were covered in SH scars some recent as today and others that go way back to 4 years ago. He then looked back into the mirror. "Everyone's going to be upset when they find out, especially Mike. What are you doing to yourself, how could you? Your making them upset because you can't just be normal," he said to himself as his hand opened the door to grabe a blade. He couldn't even control himself, it was just starting to happen. "This is punishment," he said and instead of scaring his harm as he usually did he made one on his cheek and some blood started to our down. He grabbed a paper towel and poured water on it and wiped the blood off. He then put some rubbing alchohol over the scar and put a bandage on it and exited the bathroom and Mike was waiting for him.

"What the hell happened to your face?" Mike asked and Will ignored him walking into his room but Mike followed him. "Answer my question," he said and Will turned. "You think your my mom? Is it because yours left you? You keep trying to look after me like I'm some type of baby just fuck off. It's not my problem that your parents hated you and abandoned you okay? It's not my fault that your just a hopeless little orphan. Leave me the fuck alone because I don't fucking need you! Get out!," he yelled to Mike not realizing what he said to him. Mikes eyes started to water, "wow you've done it, you've managed to say something to me that's worse than anyone else has ever said. You know I've tried to be here for you Will and stand beside you but really? How dare you bring them up? You know what if this is how you want to play it then fine William, fuck you," he said before walking down the stairs and slamming the door. Will sat on his bed and realized what he had just done. He'd gone and fuck up the one perfect thing that was still remaining in his life. He started crying into his pillow and couldn't stop. He wanted to text Mike, to apologize but he couldn't, he felt as if he  hurt him too much.

He woke up the next day and texted Mike good morning which was instinct at this point but Mike blocked him and the message couldn't be sent. This was real, him and Mike were actually done. He turned on his LED lights that were around his room and switched the color to blue. He then layed down and listened to music nor wanting to ge tup for anything. He didn't want ot faev anyone or hear anyone, he just wanted to be alone.

He got up and decided he needed to go talk to Mike face to face. He asked his dad to drop him off by the cabin and there Mike was on the porch and he didn't even notice Will. Will took out one of the airpods he had in and Mike turned towards him. "Don't try and apologize, I'm done," Mike said and Will looked at him confused. "I didn't mean it," he said and Mike looked at him. "You still said it and that hurt me, deeply, like a fatal gunshot from the person I love the most. At least I love them the most," Mike said and he got up and entered the cabin and Will turned to see him walk away and he couldn't go after him. He wanted to just run up to him and kiss him but he couldn't. He got in the car and they wen track to the house Will wanting to just get to the bathroom.

He walked into the bathroom looking in the mirror and then he grabbed the blade and deeply cut his arm causing a bunch of blood to pour out. "I'm such a horrible person," he said as the blood was dripping into the sink. "I'm a horrible boyfriend too," he said wiping the blood from his arm and he looked into the mirror, then his arm, then the sink. "Fuck this," he said deeply cutting the other arm too, watching the blood pour into the sink. He smiled feeling free when he did this, it was bad but it felt so good. It gave him a sense of control, the only control her felt he had anymore.

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