Season 3-Chapter 6: 360 Hours Missing(Mikes POV

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Mike was continuing to adapt to his new life as one of the idols. And he lived this, but he couldn't enjoy it as much as he wanted to without El. And things were starting to look good, and thanks to his amazing boyfriend, they now had a lead.

"But where could we find her?" Mike asked Will and he shrugged. "I have no clue, but this is a good thing," Will said and he nodded. "Maybe we can split up again and search around for her," Will said and he nodded. "Okay I'm going to text the group chat," Will said and so they went off to search for the investigator, and they were really hoping they would find her.

They walked down the road and it was starting to get dark. "We should go back love, before anything bad happens." Mike said and Will turned, "I agree I'm getting bad vibes," he said and so they called a taxi and left. Both were defeated because once again, they failed El. Mike decided to just stay with Will as Hopper was always in a mood. I mean he would be too of Will went missing so he didn't take it personal but he wasn't trying to deal with it.

They layed on the bed side by side looking at each other, Mike admiring how beautiful his eyes were and Will admiring his face. "Soooo you know you looked amazing in that skirt," Mike said smiling and Will chuckled. "Only you and the entire school thinks that," he said and Mike smiled. "Well thank God I saw how beautiful you were before they did,"he said and Will blushed. "Oh stop it," he said and Mike put his hand on Wills face. "No actually, your flawless," he said and Will giggled. "You are too," he said and inched closer to him. "Perfect match," Mike said whispering into Wills ear. "Let's just go to sleep, we have school," Will said and Mike nodded and so they went to sleep.

They walked to school together with locked hands, talking about anything and everything in the world. As soon as they got on the bus everyone was sitting with an extra slot aside from Max who was sitting with Lucas, Troy who was sitting with Jake, and Dustin who was sitting with Matthew. "Sit next to me, no sit next to me," people were saying directed towards Will. "Uhm I sit next to her and you sit across?" Will asked and he nodded. And people started getting mad when he sat next to her but eventually calmed down. "Now I know how celebrities feel," Will said smiling at Mike and he smiled back.

At school people were fangirling over Will everywhere he'd turn there'd be someone talking about how they'd turn him straight and get with him. He ignore this because he used to also fangirl over celebrities but the difference was that Will was 16 and some of these girls looked 18 to 19 but they'll never have a chance so he brushed it off. "Hey," Will said walking by him and holding his hand. "Hey?" He said confused. "Oh yeah sorry for all the touching, I'm just being chased by a bunch of girls. I should've never took off my shirt," he said and Mike chuckled. "Stoppppp this isn't funny," Will said and he laughed harder. "I hate you," Will said and at this point Mike was on the floor dying. "Okay I'm done with you," Will said and he walked to class and Mike finally got up as the bell rung, this leant he was late and that meant detention after school.

For some reason his teacher loved him and didn't give him detention, maybe because eye was a football player. But either way he was in the clear. "Hey," Mike said trying to kiss Will but he backed up. "Don't Hey me," he said and Mike was confused. "Because you were just laughing at me earlier," Will said smiling because he can't take himself serious. "Oh I really thought I did something wrong," he said and Will hugged him. "So what're we doing today?" Will asked and Mike looked at him. "Finding that two-faced bitch," he said and Will smiled. "I like your thinking Mike Hopper," Will said smiling. Truthfully, Mike forgot that Hopper legally adopted him but Will remembered. That's one of the many things that he lived about him, he'd always remember.

"I remember El saying that she searched over by the rundown hospital and by this old lab type of place. Maybe they're there," Will said and Mike nodded. "Wait don't you think we should get the group to come as well?" Mike asked and Will turned. "Let's get Max, Dustin, Troy and Lucas. I don't completely trust the others and maybe their involved," Will said and Mike nodded. And so the four showed up and the investigation went underway, they split off into teams of three. Max, Lucas, and Dustin was one team. Mike, Will, and Troy was the other. Mikes team went to investigate the hospital.

"This place is creepy," Troy said poking an old bed. "Exactly I don't like the feeking," Mike said shuddering. "You two act like you don't play all of those horror video games. Think of that but real life." Will said confidently. "Awww your cute when you act tough," Mike said and he turned and walked so he was a couple inches from hid face. "I'm not acting," he said and Mike blushed. "Anyways, let's continue to investigate," Will said hopping over to one of the rooms. They spent hours investigating trying to find her, but came down to nothing. Maybe the other group found something, or maybe their in danger.

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