Season 2-Chapter 6: Its not the same as it was(Mikes POV

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Mike was laying on the bed and Will was beside him, that's usually what they did. Layed in bed, talked, make out. The same things but today Mike really thought about what his mother said and he thought about taking the offer. He really missed Holly and he didn't want to make her sad because of his parents selfish desires. And so he asked for Wills opinion about it.

"So your thinking about moving back for Holly?" Will asked looking up towards Mike and Mike nodded. "She is your sister and she's just a little kid, she needs her brother, you know an actual good person to guide her. She's really sweet and I dont want her yo turn out like them," Will said. Mike wasn't expecting this, he thought Will would think the whole idea was just crazy. "I would miss having you around all the time but im sure Holly misses having you around too," Will said as he sat up smiling. And Mike knew he'd have to go back, not just for Holly but for himself, he really missed being there, as bad as it was. So Will helped him pack his stuff so he could go back, and it's been almost 3 entire months since he's been in that house.

He knocked on the door holding his stuff and he was scared at seeing them again. "Oh my god, Mike!" Nancy said as she hugged him, at least there were two people here he actually liked. Karen walked up to the door, "so you changed your mind?" She said looking at him. "I'm only back because I want Holly to be happy, I'm not here because you asked me to," he said coldly and Karen nodded. He walked inside the house and saw Ted sitting on the couch, he didn't even talk to him, he wouldn't forget what he said to him. Holly ran down the stairs almsot tripping seven different times, "MIKEY!" She said running up to him hugging him tightly. "Hey Holls, I'm back," Mike said holding Holly in his arms. She started to cry and Mike realized how much she missed having him around. Truthfully, Holly was an angel and if she wasn't around, Mike would've left a long time ago and would've never looked back. "Well you can have your room back," Holly said smiling. "Or if you really want to we could sha-" Mike began to say, "YES!" Holly said before he could finish. "Uhm I'm making breakfast if you want some," Karen said and Mike nodded. He really didn't like talking or looking at hir parents anymore because of what they've done. And now for Holly's sake, he had to put himself into the dark abyss that is the closet.

He stayed up watching movies with Holly, she wanted to do everything with him not that he was back. But even during those movies he couldn't shake the anxiety he got from being here. Like the walls were closing in on him and he couldn't breathe, he felt claustrophobic being here. But he really, really wanted to make Holly haply like she did him before. Someone knocked on the door and Holly opened it, it was Nancy. "I didn't know you were back from college," Mike said smiling at her and she smiled back. "Well I'm here for a couple of months, I'm happy you came back though," Nancy said walking into the room and closing the door. "Well I wasn't going to, then this goddess of a human made me want to," he said smiling at Hollt and Hollt smiled back. "Let's talk in my room real quick," Nancy said and Mike entered her room. "Listen if this becomes too much for you, leave, I'm sure Holly would understand," Nancy said looking at Mike. "Well as much as I do hate Karen and Ted, I love Holly and you, so I think I'll stay," Mike said smiling and Nancy smiled back. "Okay if that's what you want but their ultimatum, it's insane," Nancy said and Mike agreed. "Yeah that's true but I could always just bike over to Wills house or have Lonnie pick me up," Mike said and Nancy agreed. "True, you can go back now," Nancy said and Mike walked out the room.

As much as Mike tried to act like he was straight, it's not the sake as it was. Mike was gay, his parents knew whe was gay, his sisters knew he was gay. And yet they made him hide this. They were basically making Mike act like someone he wasn't. He was tired of always having to sneak around like he had to during the first 15 years of his life, and he had that short break and still at 16 he had to hide again. He's put up with this for two entire weeks but he just snapped. "Where are you going?" Ted asked before Mike coukd walk out the door. "Somewhere, don't worry about it," he said not looking at Ted. "Well your still my son and I'd like to know where you're going," he said and Mike turned to face him, this was the first time he'd looked at him since he came back. "I'm not your son and your not my dad. You disowned me and in return, I disowned you. The only and I mean only reason I even passed this house every single day was Holly. And I hope you know that if she didn't miss me as much as she did, you would've never seen me again. Your one of the worst so called parents that has ever walked the earth. You'd disown me in the blink of an eye just because of the fact that I, Michael Wheeler, is gay. And you can't handle that, so I'm going over to my boyfriends house, and your not going to do anything about it. Because if you put your hands on me I will fight you back, I'm not afraid of your 40 year old, fat b*tch ass. So go and fck yourself, ot be the first f*cking you've got in 20 years," he said slamming the door. He couldn't live there anymore, he wanted to try for Holly but he just couldn't bare to hide such a big part of himself like that.

He came back at night and quietly walked up the stairs to pack his stuff and Holly was laying on the bed crying. "I'm sorry Holls, it's just they are so unbearable and ill miss you so much, bit listen I'll come here everyday so we can talk and play but I'm not living here," he said and Holly sat up. "Maybe if they weren't so horrible then it would have been different but I understand," Holly said getting out the bed to hug him. "You won't be coming to this house ever again if you leave," Karen said watching them from the door. "You manipulated me to come back by putting such a little girl in the equation. And if you do that than she will be mad at you every single day. One child already hates you, do you really want two to hate you?," he said and Karen looked at him dead in the eye. "So far I only know of two kids I have, Holly and Nancy, I have no idea who Mike is," she said and Mike started crying. "Fine then, that's how your going to play it? Well fine,", he said turning to Holly. "Look ill miss you, so much, and maybe in the future we coukd talk again, but because of them that future isn't now," he said leaning down to hug Holly and both of them started crying. Karen was heartless "get out of my house now, before I call the cops," she said and so he grabbed his bags and walked out, getting one last glance at the house he'd never see again. He put his bags into the trunk of the car and got into the backseat next to Will. "So?" He said and Mike turned. "They officially disowned me and banned me from seeing Holly ever again, so yeah it went horrible,"he said his voice cracking at the end and Will looked at him compassionately and hugged him. "I'm so sorry," he said and Mike just cried in his arms.

Well that got a little sad at the end there but ily all ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 💘 stay safe

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