Season 3-Chapter 11: 216 Hours Missing (Troys POV

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Killing that investigator who also was a mother really got to Troy. He was feeling immense guilt over it as if those kids would always wonder where their mother is. That picture of him shooting her in the head haunted him to this day.

That night after he got home from waiting for Will to wake up he was slumped. Gunshot and there he was seeing the usage if the investigator dead in his dreams and him holding the gun that killed her. He felt horrible for this because he didn't have to pull the trigger. That woman had kids how would they feel? He thought to himself. He woke up and frantically got out of his bed and he was sweating from head to toe. He tip toed downstairs so he wouldn't wake up Dustin or his mom and he took an ice pack and went back upstairs. He put on his airpods and put the ice pack on his head and closed his eyes hoping that would help.

He thought he woke up but he was in a dark place and the boy and girl from the photo walked up to him. He back up a little as the boy was inches away from his face. "Your a murderer," he said and Troy was stunned and couldn't move and the boy kept repeating the same phrase and he put his hands over his ears to block it out but it got louder. And when he looked back up the figure was no longer a boy but a monster and the voice yelling your a murderer was now deeper. There stood two giant monsters telling him what he truly was, a murderer.

"I haven't seen you in a long time Troy," the therapist said and he looked at her. "Why can't anything just be easy for me? I mean I just finally accepted my parents death and now this," he said and she looked at him. "Whats 'this'," she asked him and he looked at her. "While on the search to find El, a person who we were interrogating didn't tell us about it, but she onew something. I shot her because I thought it was the right thing to do." He said and she was shook. "And it's been haunting me ever since. I can't go on with this, she had kids!," he said and she looked at him. "You feeling bad about this is what makes you human," she said and he looked at her. "Wait what?" He said and she looked at him. "This haunting you isn't necessarily a bad thing, this means that you are a good person Troy. You feel empathy and guilt and regret for what you did and you should. Maybe visiting these kids would help ease this." She said to him and he looked down. "I don't have any idea where they live," he said and she turned to look out the window. "Maybe you could find out by her file in the department," she said and he smiled. "Good thinking, I'll see you later," he said and she smiled and nodded.

"You want me to give you the file on detective Harris?" Hopper asked and Troy looked at him. "Wait I never knew her name and she's been investigating us you know what nevermind uhm yeah exactly," Troy said and Hopper looked at him. "I'm legally not allowed to do that," he said and Troy looked into his eyes. "I need to get this closure so I can feel better, so I can sleep peacefully amd go on wothout these thousands of pound of guilt." He said and Hopper opened his computer and sure enough the address was on there. "Thank you so much Hopper," he said and Hopper shrugged and so he went to the address.

"And you are?," a middle aged man asked and Troy looked at him, "we need to talk," he said and the guy opened the door. "Would you like anything to drink?" He asked and Troy shook his head. "Listen Mr. Harris, about your wife," Troy said and the man's eyes went wide. "Shes no longer with us," Troy said and the man's eyes started to water. Troy wanted to tell him the reason but he couldn't bring himself to say it, the words not being able to escape his mouth. Someday he would be able to tell him why, that he killed her, but that day wasn't today. Troy got up with his things and left the house disappointed with himself for not being able to say what he wanted to say.

"And so how'd it go," his therapist asked and Troy looked at her. "I couldn't do it-I couldn't tell him it was my fault," he said and she looked at him compassionately. "It's not going to be easy but someday you will be able to do it Troy, I believe in you," she said and Troy smiled. "Thanks I don't know what I would do without you," he said smiling and she smiled back. "That's what I'm here for Troy." She said and Troy picked up his stuff to leave the office but he turned back. "Do you have extra time?" He asked and she nodded.
"Sure Troy as much time as you need." She said and Troy smiled and sat back down.

"So that's how you feel?" She asked and he nodded. "It's all my fault and I believe that the dream I had, it was me projecting onto myself. It's like my brain is trying to tell me that I'm a monster," he said and she nodded. "Maybe your trying to convince yourself that you are," she said and he sat up some. "Maybe your right but what if I'm not wrong," he said and she held his hands. "You aren't a monster, your human, and being a human can be complicated." She said and Troy looked at her. "Your sure?," he asked and she nodded. "You've been coming here a bunch, and I know for sure your not a monster. Your a kid who's been through hell and that's just unlucky. But I promise Troy, your good." She said and he smiled and nodded. "Well it's getting late so I have to go but I'll talk to you tomorrow ok?" She said and Troy stood up and held his things. "Ok," he said and so they left. He actually slept that night and things were much better after he talked to the guy.

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