Season 2-Chapter 19: Of (Els POV

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El hung out with Max and Lucas and stayed with them for awhile, kind of scared to go home. She was scared that the feeling someone was watching her, wasn't just a feeling.

"Uhm El, me and Lucas are going to go out next week, so you might be here alone," Max said and Els heart dropped hut she kept a straight face. "Okay sounds good," she said and Max smiled. "Okay then," Max said smiling. El was the one to trust her gut and she had a bad gut feeling someone really was watching her. And the only reason they haven't came for her yet was because of Max and Lucas. She was scared for herself and thought about asking to go woth them but didn't. Instead she thought maybe if she went back home and so she asked Max to bike with her.

When she got there, to her surprise, Mike was there. She was extremely relieved by this and hugged him. "Uhm hello?" He said and she let go. "Hello, why are you here?" El asked seeing bags in the corner. "Oh well long story short, Hopper adopted me and now I'm your brother and I'm moving in." He said and El smiled. She didn't have to worry about being killed anymore and she sat on her bed.

She hung out with Mike all of that evening. She had to make sure she wasn't alone, or it might strike. She decided to eat out with Mike and Will that night.

"Oh my god, so you got her in jail?" El asked intrigued and Will smirked and nodded. "Nobody messes with us like that and gets away with it," Mike said and Will smiled. "And we got 100k from her," Will said and Els jaw dropped. "Wait so she stole 50k and you got 100k from her and put her in jail, oh she's so stuoid," El said and Will smiled agreeing. "So guys, you ready for junior year?" El said and Mike shook his head. "Not really, those kids were relentless last year and then we'd have to go back to being outcast," Mike said and Will agreed. "Well maybe this year would be different. Those jocks moved and nobody really cares about that anymore. Maybe if we can make a name for ourselves, like Mike your good at basketball, I'm good at cheerleadung and Will you could join me." El said and Will smiled. "I always wanted to be a cheerleader," he said. "Oh my god I'd love you to cheer for me," Mike said smiling and Will glared at him. "See and Max is really pretty and Lucas is also good at football, and we could give Dustin a makeover, we'd be flawless." El said and Will agreed. "Well I guess we could." Mike said smiling and El smiled at them both. They ate their food and left shortly after.

They decided to go to the store to get some stuff for their new look. "Will look , get these earrings, you'll shine," Mike said and Will smiled, "okay," he said taking the earrings. "Oh my god this make up kit is just what Max likes," El said picking it up, "she'd look gorgeous with it on," Will said and El nodded. "Your turn Mike," El said grabbing a leather jacket. "Oh my god with that jacket you'd be the man from my dreams," Will said and Mike glared at him. "I'm not already?" He said and Will turned. "Wellllll not completely," Will said and Mike glared at him. "I'm done woth you," he said picking up the jacket and Will giggled. El wished she had a great relationship like them, the only time she had a relationship like that was back with Max in Freshman year.

Mike was staying over and Wills tonight and El completely forgot about that feeling she had and that mightve been a grave mistake.

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