Season 4-Chapter 6: Discovery (Els POV

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El was still extremely damaged from when she was kidnapped and she couldn't travel alone. But she needed to find out who T-11 was and why did they know about her?

El grabbed the car keys and Hopper eyed her. "You better not be thinking about going out alone." He said and El looked at her, "Everyone's doing something right now" she said and he looked at her. "Not everyone" Hopper said smiling and El eyed him. "You know Eddie?" Hopper asked and El raised an eyebrow. "He helped save your life and he's very nice" Hopper said and El smiled. "Fine if it makes you feel better" she said and Hopper smiled sending a text on his phone.

"So your Eddie?" El asked walking at his side. "Yep and your the famous El we sacrificed our lives saving" he said smiling and El smiled back. "Well what dangerous shit are we gettung into today?" Eddie asked and El looked at him. "Well we are going to investigate into this T-11 chic" El said and Eddie eyed her. "Is that the smartest idea?" Eddie asked and El side eyed him. "Yes it is" she said and Eddie playfully jumped aback. "Ok then Eleven sure let's jump into the danger" Eddie said and El smiled. "Sounds about right" she said and they continued walking.

"So you want to go to this rundown house we saved you from?" Eddie asked then El opened the door. "There has to be something here I just know it" El said walking up the stairs trying to open the secret door. Eddie helped her and together they opened it. They walked up the stairs and the place was trashed and was the exact same as they left it minus Lonnie's body. "Ugh this place gives ne bad memories," El said walking around and Eddie eyed her. "Why did he have to send me to help you?" He asked himself and El turned. "Maybe because your lonely and had nothing to do" she said and Eddie gave her a shocked expression. "Just hurry up and do whatever your trying to do so we can leave" he said leaning against the wall and El looked around. "There's like nothing here" she said opening the cabinets and Eddue eyed her. "You know she's smart maybe she took the evidence with her" he said and El turned. "Maybe your right" she said walking over to the stairs before something caught her eye. "Look Eddie, the closet" she said and Eddie eyed her. "What about the closet?" He asked and she looked at him, "that's where I saw her go into multiple times, there has to be something in there." She said and Eddie shrugged and they went inside of the closet and it led to another room.

"Wait El you've never seen T-11 without her mask?" Eddie asked and El shook her head. "She is very smart and knows what she's doing, she never left things in obvious places or unmasked herself but she did tell me her plans." El said and Eddie chuckled. "Of course she did, classical villain" he said and El looked around the room. "Her plan is to kill me and use me to help he rebuild a portal across two worlds and lead monsters here to destroy everything." El said and Eddie eyed her. "Monsters? What type of monsters?" He asked and El looked at him, "I don't know she didn't explain that much," El said and Eddue nodded. "So how does she need you to do this?" He asked and El looked at him, "I have no clue. There's nothing in here she must've came back and took all of the important things with her." She said and Eddie nodded then they left.

"So why would she need me for this? What's my role I'm everything?" El asked Hopper and he looked at her. "Remember when you looked into your past? Well those experiments, it did something to you. Something I can't explain and to those kids. Brenner had this plan to open up another dimension using you kids. So in order to stop him we had to kill all of you but we couldn't kill you. I didn't want to tell you about it but now your in danger and we need your mother." He said and El eyed him. "Something to me? Like what? Why does T-11 need me so bad?" She asked and Hopper gave her a serious look, "your the last one of those kids standing. The last one with those...abilities. and in order to power that gate she'd need you to help her" he said and El raised an eyebrow. "Abilities? What am I superman?" She asked jokingly and Hopper looked at her unresponsive. "Holy shit I am?" She asked and he nodded, "something like that. Come on we need to find your mother" he said and El followed her.

"What?" Terry said and Hopper nodded. "Their back" he said and El looked at them. "I'm 17 I'd like to know who the hell your talking about" she said and Terry looked at her. "The scientist, most of them escaped and they just be back to try and finish what Brenner started." She said and El nodded. "We need to activate your powers" Terry said and El tilted her head. "What powers?" She asked and Terry opened up her closet and took out a box that had the headpiece she's seen before and many other things. "You aren't about to" Hopper said then Terry nodded. "In order to defeat this supernatural bullshit, we need her," Terry said and they both looked at El and she looked back at them confusingly. "Sorry kid but don't hate us" Hopper said taking out a razor from the box and Els eyes went wide. Why wouldn't she just live a normal life? She thought to herself then Hopper turned on the razor and walked up to her. He began shaving her head and she just closed her eyes, she needed to save the world and this is how it'd be done.

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