Season 2-Chapter 8: Its Looking Up?(Troys POV

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Troy got everything he wanted, he didn't have to deal with his dad anymore, he had a boyfriend, he had friends. What else could he ask for? Everything was finally looking up for him. He was actually happy for once in his entire life.

Randomly Dustin's mother called Troy downstairs. "Your dad wants to talk to you, he's down at the prison, you don't have to," she said and Troy thought about it. It'd be good if he went, to get the closure he needed, but at rhe same time everytime he looked at his dad he'd remembered his trauma. She almost put her hand on Troy's shoulder when he flinched and she decided not to. "Can you drive me?" He asked and she nodded, and so they went down to the prison, he sat on the other side of the glass and picked up the phone. "Hey bud, I'm sorry-" he began and Troy looked up at him. "You don't get to abuse me my entire life and put me in a month long coma then try and apologize," he said and his dad looked down. "I know it's j-," his dad began to talk again. "Nope I don't want to hear your excuses and I'm done accepting them. And don't event try to paint yourself as a victim, I've now realized that I don't need you, I don't need to act as the parent. It's no my job that was your job, your only job, and you failed it." Troy said putting the phone onto the holder and he got up and walked away, not looking back.

He went into the car and they drove back to the house and when he went inside there was already a call at the phone. He picked it up to hear the sound of his mother's voice, why was his parents trying to talk to him all of a sudden. "Please just talk to your dad, he really wants to talk to you and I do too, please your going to want to hear what he has to say." She said to him and Troy wanted to know what they were talking about. And so he went back to the prison sitting down waiting for his dad, and this time he was going to listen.

"Okay great you came back, listen I'm truly sorry about everything and I want use to you know, handle everything before-," his dad paused and Troy looked at him through the glass confused. "Look please can we handle everything?" He asked and Troy nodded. And so they did, they talked about everything wrong and fixed things and that's then the guards released Troy's dad to go put and they hugged. They didn't do this for anyone else so Troy started to wonder what was up. "Okay now that everything's taken care of, I have alcohol poisoning and it made its way to my whole body, and so I only have a short time to live," he said and Troy's fave went dark. He always wished for this day to come, he's been praying for it. And now that everything was solved, he was going to lose him. "No-" was all Troy could say and he put the phone on the holder and he didn't even cry, he wanted to but just couldn't. He walked out of the prison wothout saying a proper goodbye to his dad. His face was blank as he entered the car and they drove to where his mother was staying.

"Hey," his mother said standing up. And Troy just looked at her, not hugging her or anything. "So he told you," she said inviting him into the house. "The thing is he's not the onky one, I have stage 3 cancer in my brain," his mother said looking at him. And once again he didn't cry amd he just looked at ahr with an upset expression. "So God gave it to you easy, your allowed to treat me like shit and you both get to just pass away, not even painfully just a sweet passing. Not even anything bad like I shouldn't wish for anything bad to happen to you but I just do." He said and his mom looked at him sadly. "I-we wanted to fix things before," she said and he looked at her. "No you didn't, you didn't want me to feel better, you only apologized to make yourself feel better." He said and his mother looked down. "Look I'm leaving you this house and the money I have, it's around 200,000$" she said and Troy smiled sadly. "That's supposed to make me feel better? I don't want your money I just want you both to get out of my life and thankfully you were. So leave me alone and I wish the worst for you," he said heartless. He felt kind of bad about this because she was his mother as much as he hated that. He just wanted to make it easier for himself. He just found out he was losing his parents, the two people he hated most, but what could he do about it? He walked out the house and went back to Dustin's. He couldn't even shed a single tear for them and he felt bad for that.

The next day he found out his dad passed away and he was tasked at the funeral, he decided ot have him buried directly. This was cheaper than the other options. And so he did and more people than he expected showed up giving speeches about how amazing his dad was and the lies he heard were crazy to him. He decided not to give a speech about his dad and when everybody left he talked directly to his dad as it was a open funeral. "I'm happy your where you should be, at least I only hope so. Bye Tom," he said and he walked away looking back and walking back again.

And only just the next day his mom passed away and he had a open casket funeral again but nobody really showed up. He spoke his mind at his dead mother and he didn't cry not for her, and not for him.

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