Season 4-Chapter 1: Summer Disaster (Wills POV

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⚠️ TW: SH, Anxiety, Depression, Eating Disorder ⚠️

It was summer time and right now Wl wasn't in the best state of mind. He still didn't completely believe that Linnie was dead, he somehow hoped that he was still out there somewhere putting him in the first stage of grief, denial.

He got up from his bed and walked into his mother's room hoping to see Lonnie laying on the bed. He did this every morning and for some reason he always thought that'd he'd be there but he never was. His mom has been staying in bed a lot she seemed depressed from Lonnies death. His brother was also very angry most of the time and Will would try and steer clear of him. It wasn't like he was angry at them in particular but he was just angry in general.

He went onto the bathroom and closed the door looking into the mirror and then looking at his arms. He didn't like cutting himself but ever since Lonnie died, it became a habit. Every day after checking to see if Lonnie would magically reappear, he'd go into the bathroom and shut the door and cutted himself on his wrist once. He didn't talk to his friends much anymore either and only visited El when she was in the hospital and then he completely blocked them out. He also never ate and only ate a little but due to his body disphormia and how he saw himself, he was able to eat enough to keep his body looking ok so nobody expected anything.

Will put on his robe over his white t-shirt and his sweatpants. Someone then knocked on the door and so he walked downstairs to answer it. "Hey," Mike said looking at Will and he looked at him. "Mike we aren't dating anymore you know that right?" Will said and Mike nodded. "Yeah but I wanted to see if you were ok," Mike said and Will rolled his eyes. "I'm fine," he said lying and sadly, Mike knew him well enough to know when he was lying. "Don't lie to me," he said and Will looked at him. "Don't worry about how I'm doing, irs none of your buisness," he said to Mike and then he shut the door.

Will missed his friends and his ex but what could he do about it. He didn't want to have to explain what was going on with him so it was just easier to shit everyone out. He decided today he'd step put the house for once and go for a walk, he needed to stop by the grocery store anyways in since Joyce and Jonathan weren't in their best state. He took off his robe, put on some jeans and his leather jacket and took his moms credit card and left having an entire list of what they needed.

"Will?" Someone said to him and he turned to see his old friend from Derrey, someone he forgot all about, Stan. "Hey," he said taking out his airpods and hugging him and Stan hugged him back. "It's been forever," Stan said and Will nodded. "Yeah so much has happened," Will said smiling at Stan and Stan looked even better than he did before and even more attractive. "So What'd I miss?" Stan asked and Will shrugged. "Not much, my dad came back and was literally the best but he passed away not that long ago, I got some new friends and one of them, Mike, he's my ex." Will said and Stan was kind of shocked. "So Mike's a guy?" Stan asked and Will nodded forgetting he never told them that he was gay. "Oh yeah sorry I forgot you didn't know I was gay," Will said and Stan smiled, "we always kind of suspected it," he said and Will smiled. "Well let me get your number I think I lost it," Stan said and Will typed his number in. "Call me later," Stan said walking away and Will nodded.

He walked to his house and Mike was waiting for him. "Stalking me now?" He asked and Mike stopped him. "Talk to us Will I lean we are you friends and we are right here, you can trust us," Mike said and Will eyed him. "We are all right here Will, I'm right here," he said and Will looked at him. "Just go home," he said brushing past him and entering the house and Mike walked back to his house.

He started cooking some spaghetti that he could save for the next couple of days, while waiting for it he turned on some TV and just remembered. He had tocall Stan. He picked up his phone and called him not expecting an answer. "Hey," Stan said over the phone and Will smiled to himself. "Hey," he said to Stan over the phone and they started talking while Wilk was eating his spaghetti. They talked about how life's been, and even the less important things. They talked for hours nonstop and Will hasn't talked to anyone like this since last summer, with Mike. He brushed away this thought and continued to talk with Stan and 9pd feeling he had for him were slowly returning.

He woke up to the sound of his doorbell ringing. He walked downstairs and opened it expecting Mike to try and talk to him but it was Stan. He moved so Stan coukd come in. For whatever reason it felt easier to talk with Stan than it did with Mike as Mike's been there and seen Will at his worst and so has Stan but the difference was the timing.

"So what brings you to my castle?" Will asked and Stan smiled. "I don't know I wanted to see you," he said and Will eyed him. "I wanted to see your house I mean," he said and Will looked back down at the stressball his therapist have him. They talked about a bunch of things and enjoyed each other's company but that was until Stan kissed Will and he didn't know how to feel.

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