Season 1-Chapter 3: Everything's Different (Mikes POV)

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Before Mike came out everything was so much different than what is was now, he was a star football player, everyone admired him he had a huge amount of friends. Life was good until that one day when he thought today was the day and he told Troy who was his closest friend at the time that he was gay. Troy looked at him woth disgust and told everyone and his friend amount fell drastically and so did his status he was kicked off the team. His only friends were El who was a cheerleader and because of this her popularity fell as well, Max, lucas, and dustin. Troy started relentlessly bullying him and it affected him, at frist, he didn't really care after awhile.
Over the break Max his closest friend blocked him on every platform imaginable. He was confused and went to her house but she moved somewhere else. Max used to be so bubbly and mice and sweet but today when he saw her again she was so dark and gloomy like something changed her deeply over the break. He sat by himself which was inevitable, everybody thinking he carried some sort of disease. That's when a brunette and Max walked in Max saying something to him and sitting by El. "Hi," he said smiling putting his stuff down and sitting next to Mike. "Listen you must be knew here but if you Jang out with me then literally no one will talk to you like you catcher the mike virus," he said to him and the brunette was very confused. "I'm gay and everybody thinks their going to catch it too but it dosent affect me," that wasn't true at all it definitely did affect him. "I don't care I wanna be your friend," he said to mike and mikes face lit up by this. "Hello Mike, my names Will nice to meet ya," he said to mike and he turned to look up at the teacher. Mike had butterflies in his stomach and no he didn't just fall In love with every guy that was nice to him. There was something about will that made him smile. His beautiful eyes, flawless hair, how he stood out when he was trying to fit in. It was so amazing to him.
Mike saw Will and Max standing looking for somewhere to sit, he waved to them, Max rolled her eyes but Will smiled saying something to Max and they made their way to them. When Will sat next to Mike be smelled the fascinating daisy scent he smelled from earlier and then their knees touched, Mike wanted to scream but kept his cool. He was obviously so red right now. He turned his attention away from will and to max wanting to say something when she put on her headphones and then he knew he wouldn't be able to reach her. "Oh, sorry didn't realize I was this close," Will said moving a bit releasing the contact between the two. Mike didn't want to show it but he was visibly upset by this. He couldn't help but notice that will wasn't eating anything his mom packed him. And the food wasn't bad, jt was a sandwich, two cookies, a caprisun, and a bag of chips. He was staring a will this entire time and couldn't help but notice.
When lunch was over he ran after Will but was stopped by Troy and James. "Ugh don't touch me you little faggot!," Troy yelled at mike but he was still looking for will ignoring him. "Yo listen when we are talking to you," James said. Mike turned "leave me alone for once what are you obsessed?" He said to the two boys and they looked at each other. "UGH NO!" Troy yelled at Mike and he shrugged walking away feeling like he accomplished something.

Authors Note
This was shorter than the last one I think but right now I'm introducing the five main characters. So don't worry when we get to Troy's chapter I'll keep ot short. Love you

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