Season 4-Chapter 5: The Losers (Will's POV

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Will and the group were officially split because of Will but now some old friends return.

"So the rest of the losers are coming into town," Stan said to him and Will looked at him. "It's been way too long-I mean do they even remember me?" He asked and Stan smiled. "Who could forget you?" Stan said and Will smiled, "I just feel really nervous you know like it's been so long, and the way things went down and the reason I left," Will said rambling and Stan held both of Wills hands. "They miss you Will," Stan said smiling and Will smiled too. "You sure?" He asked him and then he nodded. "I'm positive," Stan said and so he took a breath.

"I look good?" Will asked and Stan eyed him. "That's the seventh time you asked me the past ten minutes," Stan said and Will eyed him, "so?" He said and Stan rolled his eyes "you look perfect," he said and Will nodded. They walked to the park and there they were, The Losers. Richie, Eddie, Beverly, Mike, Ben and Bill, they look exactly the same for the most part, all of them smiled at Will. "Oh my god you never texted me," Beverly said hugging Will. "Sorry I just didn't really have the time," Will said smiling. He hugged everyone and then the group walked over to the park. "So how's everything been?" Richie asked and Will looked at him. "Fine for the most part except the fact someone wants to kill me and my ex-friends," Will said nonchalant. The group eyed him, "Oh sorry uhm my old friends were Max, Michael, El, Du-," he began to say before Eddie interrupted him. "That's not the bad part, a murderer??" Eddie asked and Will smiled. "I don't think she wants to kill us right now," he said and the group just continued talking about a whole bunch of things.

The group of eight walked into an IHop amd that's when Will saw them. Mike, Max, El, Dustin, Troy, and Licas laughing at a table seemingly waiting for their food. He stared at them missing them wishing he was at that table with them. Maybe thye could expand their group and add the losers to it but what was said was already done. Their relationship was over. He and Mike then locked eyes for an entire minute. Then Will broke it by going to where the Losers were and another chance to become friends with them again was again broken.

"We are going to sit you here," he said and unfortunately it was right next to Mike and he was sitting back to back with him. Both ignoring each other or at least trying to. "Hey Will," Lucas said to him and he tried ignoring it but he said it again and again. "Hey Lucas," he said to him and then Max eyed the Losers. "So you ditched your friends and got new ones? Out with the old in with the new right?" She said kind of backhanded. "I knew them first" Will said and Max rolled her eyes. Then Mike got up. "Well im Will's ex Mike and then life happened blah blah blah but who are you all?" He said smiling to everyone and they smiled back. "So your Michael. I'm Beverly this is also Mike, Eddie, Ben, Bill, Stan, and Richie," she said pointing around the table. "Well hello seems you all already know me, well the six or us are always looking for new friends." Mike said smiling and the seven losers smiled too. Then Will saw Mike's smile dissaoear as soon as he laid eyes oh Will then Will looked down.

Long story short the Losers and Wills old group got along very well chasing Will to either have no friends or become friends with his old ones once again. He was not about to lose them either and so because of The Losers, he was now talking to the other six once again.

The now advanced group was walking together when Mike went to where Will was standing maybe finally breaking the cold silence between them. "You aren't supposed to be mad at me, I'm supposed to be mad at you," Mike said to Will amd Will looked down. "Your right but I'm not mad at you Mike, I just thought it'd be easier to leave everything behind," he said to amikr and Mike eyed him. "And so you moved on? Stans your boyfriend now?" He asked and Will looked at him. Sure Stan was great but Mike was just better but he wasn't going to ruin anything else. "Yep" he said and Mike nodded. "So friends?" Mike asked and Will nodded. And then Mike hugged him and Will hugged him back and Stan saw this.

"So you and Mike made up?" Stan asked and Will nodded. "Thanks to the Lisers I don't know if we would've without you all" he said and Stan smiled. "So you two are what? Friends?" Stan asked and Will nodded. "Why would we be anything more? I'm dating you" Will said and Stan smiled. "Mike he seems like a good person and the thing you two had, I can't get between that." Stan said and Will eyed him. "No hard feelings" Stan said and Will smiled. "So your breaking up with me?" Will asked and Stan smiled at him. "This isn't a breakup that gives it a bad tone. Think of it more as a we're better as friends type of way" Stan said and Will hugged him and Stan hugged him back.

He then biked his way to Mike's to try and fix thungs between them. He knocked on the door and El answered. "Hey?" She said and Will smiled at her. "Hey El is Mike here?" He asked and Mike walked up to the door wearing a beautiful brown sweater and some shorts. "Uhm hey?" He said and Will looked at him. "Your not dating anyone right?" Will asked and he shook his head. "Listen Mike I miss you so much and Stan we weren't even really dating I was trying to make you jealous and I dont know why but," he got on his knees, "Please Mike I'm sorry take me back" he said and Mike smiled. "Get up that's embarrassing" he said and Will stood up. Mike then kissed Will and Will kissed him back and El went back into the kitchen. "HEY!" Hopper said gettung inbetween them. "There will be none of that kissing or anything more going on in this house got it" Hopper said and they both nodded. They then hugged each other.

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